“I wouldn’t call it sticking up for them.” Tanner yawned. “But that shit pisses me off.”

“His brother’s gay,” I told her.

“You have a brother?” she asked him, keeping Shade’s hand in hers.

“Yeah, little one. Something like that.” Tanner met my stare. “Listen, I asked Meadow to come to my clubhouse—”

“I wouldn’t consider it asking,” she mumbled.

“Anyway, I asked her to come but I think the three of you should.” Tanner looked over his shoulder, watching Rat being shoved into the SUV. “He’ll probably die before he patches in.” He sighed. “It’s hard to find good prospects these days.”

“Why are you wanting us to come to the club? Is it club business? You don’t need Meadow there if it is.” I didn’t trust the guy. Respect him yes but that was as far as it went.

“Look.” When Tanner looked at me then, it took everything in me not to step in front of Meadow and shield her from whatever monsters hid inside of him. I was man enough to admit it, he made me nervous as hell. “I need you both there because yes, as you said, it’s club business. Your president is retiring soon. I’ve called Jaron but he’s busy apparently. And the rest of the club couldn’t care what I have to say. Which, I’m kind of sad about.”

I rolled my eyes then. “Right.”

“Point is, come to the club, bring her with you because she’s nice to look at and then my girls won’t be so damn twitchy around a bunch of men. It’ll be nice having some fresh meat inside those walls.” He laughed at some inside joke that only he knew the punchline to.

“And if we don’t?” Shade said, pulling Meadow behind him.

“Oh, you don’t have to. But like I told her, that compound looks rather delicious and I’m sure it holds some tasty treats that my men would love to devour.” Tanner lifted a hand before either of us could say anything. “You show up. Those victims stay unharmed.”

“I’m sure whatever it is you think you could do to those poor people is nothing compared to what they’ve already been through,” Meadow told him.

A wicked grin spread on Tanner’s face. “You’re willing to take that chance, Meadow?”

Her jaw clenched, her cheeks reddening but she stayed quiet.

Good girl.

“Didn’t think so.” Tanner clapped his hands together. “Well, kids. It’s been fun. Too-da-loo,” he said, waggling his fingers and heading back to his bike. The SUV drove off, followed by Tanner and the rest of the guys. The rumble of the bikes disappeared, the farther away they got.

Once we could no longer hear them, I breathed a sigh of relief.

“You don’t think he would actually go after the center, do you?” Meadow asked, her voice soft and unsure. I didn’t like this side of her. I was becoming used to her confidence and when Tanner knocked her down a peg or two, it pissed me off.

“What the hell was that?” Shade spun on her, gripping her shoulders.

“Whoa there.” She shoved him back. “Don’t you dare put your hands on me like that.”

Shade stiffened, gave me a look, and stomped off toward his bike.

A shaky sigh left Meadow.

I grabbed her hand. “Come with me.”

She didn’t say anything and let me lead her toward Shade. “He needs some time, baby girl. Tanner is not a man to be messed with or pushed.” I stopped, forcing Meadow to look up at me. “He could rip you apart.” I cupped her cheek.

“I don’t like seeing him lose his temper,” she murmured, nodding toward Shade.

He sat on his bike, glancing our way.

“That’s your job,” Meadow continued.

I smirked, placing a soft peck on her nose and leading her the rest of the way to Shade. “You good?” I asked him.

He huffed, scrubbing a hand down his face. “I’m sorry,” he told Meadow. “I know what it’s like to be touched when you don’t want to be. It’s not cool. And I shouldn’t have done that.”