He grinned, shaking his head. He rinsed the cloth and turned off the water.

“Stand watch?” Sunny said, ignoring the fact that I was mentally fucking his friend.

“Of course.” Shade went to walk away but spun around quickly and came back toward us. “One thing first.” He cupped my cheek and covered my mouth in a hard, bruising kiss.

I sighed, taking his tongue deep between my lips.

“Hmm…” He released me, giving my bottom lip a gentle bite. The sharp pain shot right to my clit. “Until later.”

“Geeze, Shade.” I shivered, circling my arms tighter around Sunny.

Shade chuckled, gave me a wink, and headed back outside.

Sunny grinned down at me but didn’t say anything as he carried me into the dining area of the restaurant. Luckily, it was slower than usual and I wouldn’t have a bunch of questioning stares wondering what the hell was going on. Except for…

“Meadow, please tell me why you’re being carried around like a damsel in distress when we both know that you are definitely no damsel.”

I laughed. “Kimmy, this is Sunny. Sunny, Kimmy. I lost my phone in the garbage bin and then I lost my shoes.”

“Did you go in after it?” Kimmy Renaud asked, placing her hands on her curvy hips. Her graying eyebrows narrowed in the center, but a hint of amusement flashed in her green eyes.

“I did.” I squirmed against Sunny. “You can put me down.”

“Not happening, pet,” he grumbled.

“I’m probably getting heavy,” I told him, my body heating at the mere intensity rolling off of him in waves.

“Nope. You aren’t.”

I sighed and continued squirming. “Put me in one of the booths then.”

“Fine.” He carried me to the nearest booth and placed me on the bench, sliding in after me.

“Better?” I asked him, cupping his arm.

“No.” He wrapped an arm around my middle, pulled me into his side, and snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. “Now it’s better.”

I giggled, his beard tickling my skin.

He leaned back, giving me a goofy grin.

“Why do you have Shade outside and not in here with us?” I asked, resting my arm across his lap.

“Because we had a meeting a couple of days ago with Greyson and the rest of the guys,” Sunny said but he didn’t elaborate.

“That’s it? That doesn’t seem like a good enough reason.”

A deep rumble shook the walls of the restaurant. I glanced outside, finding several other bikers I didn’t know, pulling up to where Shade sat on his bike. Even from there, I could see the deep frown set between his brows. “What’s wrong with him?” I asked, noticing the smoke between his lips.

He sat up straighter, looking my way over his shoulder. Shade winked, blowing me a kiss.

I waved.

“Tanner’s taken a liking to you and we’re trying to figure out why,” Sunny murmured in my ear.

But before I could ask any more questions, Kimmy came back with two glasses of water and placed them on the table in front of us.

“Care to tell me what this is about?” she demanded, nodding toward the crowd outside her restaurant.