“What are you going to do?” he asked, his voice low.

I let my gaze travel down his naked torso. Although he was in a towel, it did nothing to hide the growing bulge beneath it. I licked my lips, a shiver trembling through me at what it would be like to take our relationship to the next level. I had never been with a man before. Shade had. I knew he would be patient with me. Hell, we had been together for fifteen years and he never pressed for more.

Faint scars sat on his torso from years of fighting. Being a biker was hard, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

“Why haven’t you hinted for more?” I asked him, reaching out and running my thumb over his hip bone.

A notable shiver trembled through him. “Because I didn’t want to pressure you. I knew being with a man wasn’t your thing.”

“I want it to be.” I took a step closer to him. “With you anyway. But it’s different. I don’t look at you as a man but as someone I care about. Someone who knows me and puts up with my shit. I look at you as my partner and not as…”

“A man,” Shade whispered.

I nodded. We were just two people who depended on each other. He completed me in ways I never thought possible. I never had this with Roxanne, and I knew that he didn’t have this with his ex.

Pushing my hand to the back of Shade’s neck, I hooked my fingers into the towel and ripped it free from his body before letting it drop to the floor at our feet.

His breath caught. Shade submitted to Meadow the other night and now here we were.

“I like Meadow,” I told him, brushing the back of my knuckles over his lower stomach, his cock jumping at the soft touch.

“Oh, I know.”

I smirked. “I like her a lot.”

“I know that too and so do I.” Shade grabbed onto my hips but didn’t hint for more. I was in control. He was giving that to me, and I could never thank him enough for it. “I want her again.”

I met his green eyes then. “So do I.”

“But I…” He pulled me closer, but our hips still didn’t touch. “I want you too.”

“I talked to her.”

His gaze locked with mine. “When?”

“Before you got out of the shower. She told me to take it slow and that you wouldn’t pressure me. I told her I didn’t know what I was doing.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing either,” he confessed. “Sure, I’ve been with a guy but we both know how that turned out.”

“Yeah, you ended up with a man who didn’t want more.”

“Until now.” His eyes became darker, greener even.

“Meadow also said that she wants to join next time,” I said, pressing up against him.

“Fuck,” he breathed.

“She would enjoy this,” I murmured, glancing down at his full mouth. There was a light pink scar on his bottom lip.

“I bet you can’t hit me harder than I can hit you,” Shade slurred.

I chuckled.

Greyson paced back and forth in front of him. “How much you wanna bet?”

The memory brought a smile to my face. Greyson had hit him. Hard. And won five hundred bucks because of it. He never kept the money though and gave it back to everyone who had placed bets against his drunk ass.

“What’s that smile for?” Shade asked, searching my face.