AFTER BOTH OF USused Meadow good and hard, we got a call from Greyson that we had to meet at the clubhouse. We didn’t want to leave her but getting a call from the boss became a priority when the guy would send a search party just to prove a point and embarrass us.
But now that we were on the way home, both of us were on edge. I needed my bike and to ride her good and hard since what I really wanted to do was currently passed out in her bed. I wished we would have brought her back to our place.
“I wish we would have brought Meadow to our place instead of leaving her at home. I could use another good fucking,” Shade said, taking the thought right out of my head.
I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to ease the strain that had set up permanent residence ever since Greyson told us what he wanted to meet with us for.
Tanner Fucking Bones.
The guy had taken a liking to our new little toy.
“He’s fucking with our heads,” Shade said, checking his cell. He frowned and put it away. “I don’t like this.”
“Neither do I,” I finally said. “I need to go for a ride. Or a run.”
“A run sounds good.” Shade sighed, pushing a hand through his short brown hair. I noticed then that it had grown in some on the sides. I also noticed how wrinkles sat at the corners of his eyes. Did I put them there? Was he stressed because of me?
We were now on our way home after leaving the clubhouse and both of us were wired. Shade was right. We should have brought Meadow home with us. But as much as we wanted that to happen, we needed to give her space just the same.
Shade’s phone dinged then. “We won’t see her for the rest of the week. She has an emergency job for the center.”
“Baking I hope.”
I breathed a sigh of relief. I didn’t like that she worked at The Dove Project. Not with Tanner sniffing around the place. I didn’t know what his obsession was with it but if his threat rang true, those innocent victims would be worse off once he got ahold of them.
Tanner was a sick fuck and I wouldn’t put it past him to be worse than the people who ran the human trafficking rings themselves. They ran from monsters only to fall into bed with the Devil himself. I just hoped it never got that far.
My chest constricted. “We need to make sure we have guys watching the center.”
“Greyson’s on it.” Shade’s gaze flicked to mine. “You know that. You were in the meeting. Remember?”
“Right.” My jaw clenched. I looked away. Once we finally pulled up to our house, I swerved the car into the driveway, turned it off, and rushed from the vehicle.
Ignoring Shade, I ran up the steps, unlocked the door, and barged inside.
“Sunny, what the hell?” He kicked the door closed, following me farther into the house. Our house. A house we had moved into together so many years ago. A house that held so many memories. Us sharing women. Fights. Laughter. So much damn happiness but most of that was fake. We weren’t happy. At all.
I spun on him, forcing him back a step. “Why?”
“Why what?” His eyebrow rose. “What’s going on?”
I closed the distance between us. In a quick move, I had my hand around his throat and his big body up against the wall.
“Why are you with me?” I finally asked. “It can’t be because you’re happy.” My voice was low, rough. “You want to continue sharing women for the rest of your life?”
“No.” His brows narrowed. “I want to continue sharing one woman. Meadow. That’s it. She’s all I want.”
“She’s young. She won’t stay with us forever.” I released my hold on his throat. “She’ll find someone younger. Someone who can give her what she wants.”
“We are what she wants. She needed help and she called us. Remember?” Shade searched my face. “Where’s this shit coming from?”