“Should I even bother asking how you know where I am?”

“One of our club brothers was in the area and I asked him to check up on you to make sure that you were safe.”

“Really?” My heart swelled that he had cared enough to have someone to watch over me. “Oh, well…thank you. I’m just walking home now and I…I just…” I hated sounding paranoid, but something was off.

“We’re on our way, Meadow. Stay on the phone with me.”

“Okay,” I said, blowing out a breath of relief.

“Are you out in the open?”

“Yeah, there’s not much here though. The compound is big, so our parents had it built outside of town. But I always walk home. It’s good exercise and I’ve never had issues before.” I was rambling. I never rambled. I wasn’t that kind of girl but this unease coursing through me, threw me off.

“Alright, baby girl. I promise we’re coming for you.”

“Okay.” I continued walking, not liking this feeling of being watched.

“Listen.” Sunny cleared his throat. “I’m sorry.”

My heart jumped. “You are?”

“Yeah. I’m an old fucker. Set in my ways and shit. Shade is constantly reminding me to…well…”


“Loosen the purse strings I guess you could say.”

“I’ve done this before. Being controlled. I don’t like it, Sunny, and I sure as hell don’t find it sexy. If you want me to do something, just ask me, but don’t get pissed off if I say no.” I paused, wondering where the hell that confession came from.

“Alright, pet. But you have to remember that I’m used to being in control. So, we’ll need to work together on this. Yeah?”

I sighed. I could work with that. “Okay.”

“We’re about two minutes away.”

A vehicle came toward me. “Uh…Sunny, what are you guys driving in?”

“It’s a black ’67 Mustang.” He paused. “Why?”

The vehicle slowed down, coming to a complete stop a few feet away. The windows of the black SUV were tinted, so I couldn’t make out who was actually in the large beast of a vehicle.

The passenger door opened, a large man stepping out of it. He shut the door, looked up to the sky and turned my way.

I swallowed hard. “Sunny, I suggest driving faster.”

“What’s going on, Meadow?”

I gripped the phone tight in my hand.

The man who I recognized from last night, started walking toward me.

“It seems we meet again,” Tanner said, his deep voice sending a sliver of fear racing down my spine.

Once he stood directly in front of me, I had to lean back to look up at him. The guy was tall. Why were all these guys so damn huge?

“Fucking hell,” Sunny growled in my ear. “Shade, drive faster.”

Much to my surprise, Tanner took the phone from me and put it up to his ear. “Sorry, Meadow can’t come to the phone right now.”