I laughed quietly at the memory.


I spun around, finding Luna coming toward me. “Hey, girl. How are you?”

“Not too bad. I ran into Clara. Literally.” She rubbed her shoulder. “She’s small but man, that hurt.”

I laughed.

Clara Blanco had been volunteering at the center for a few months. I never really talked to her. Just saidhiin passing but she had always been nice to me. It was all I could ask for. Most of the women I had come across, no matter the age, were catty and out for blood. They thought of themselves first and didn’t give a shit who they hurt in the process.

“You good?”

“What?” I shook my head, giving Luna a smile for reassurance. “Oh yeah.”

“Good. Listen…” She paused.

“Hey.” I knew she was going to mention something about Ashton. “Don’t worry about it. It’s what friends are for.”

“Well, I’ve never had a friend sleep with a guy for me.”

I shrugged, pulling some bowls off the top metal shelf. “Like I said, don’t worry about it. I was bored. He was bored. And it got him off your ass, did it not?”

“Yeah.” She sighed, chewing her bottom lip. “I guess.”

“What is it?” I turned to her, leaning my hip against the edge of the table.

“I just don’t want you to get hurt. Ashton isn’t ready to settle down no matter how much he thinks he is. That’s all.”

I laughed harder. “Trust me, Luna. I don’t want a relationship.” Not with him anyway. “So I’m no more ready to settle down than he is.”

“Okay.” Luna gave me a soft smile. “Well then…” She turned toward the bowls I had laid out before me. “What are you working on today?”

“I have some pies to make. I’m thinking of mixing as many fruits as I can together.”

“Whatever you make, it will be amazing. I don’t know how you do it, but I’ve never had watermelon in a pie until you accidentally made it that one time.”

“I was high and bored. I should not be in the kitchen after smoking a fatty.” Although the pie turned out delicious. There had been other times where I mixed veggies and fruit together and that should not have happened. I served it to the twins, and they ate it just to be polite. But Ashton actually loved it.

“Either way, it was still good.”

“Thank you.” A sense of pride washed over me. I wondered if Sunny and Shade would like my baking. I made a mental note to make them something for Thursday. God, I still couldn’t believe I was going to their place for dinner and spending the night. My body heated, remembering the demanding tone when Sunny told me that I would be staying over and that I wouldn’t need any clothes.

“Did you meet someone?” Luna asked.

I jumped, forgetting she was still there. “Uh…”

“Gigi said that you ended up going back to that bar you guys went to and didn’t come home until this morning.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I winked and headed to the large walk-in freezer to grab some baked goods.

“Well, be safe.” Luna laughed, the door shutting behind her a moment later.

I sighed. My friends had never been interested in the guys I slept with before. It was why they never knew about…him.

Shoving those memories to the back of my mind, I grabbed the ingredients I needed and put myself to work. Several hours later, I had five pies, two cakes, six dozen chocolate chip cookies and three dozen cream-filled donuts all spread out before me.

My hands hurt. My back hurt. My everything hurt. But I was proud of the work I had done today and was also happy that this would be going to good use. Although everyone who lived at this center had come from shitty situations, man, could they ever eat. And if they were happy, I was happy.