“Is it weird now?” Gigi asked when I sat beside her.

“It wasn’t but I also hadn’t slept with Sunny and Shade at the time.” I scrubbed a hand down my face. “I don’t know what I’m doing but I know that Ashton is not who I’m meant to be with.”

“Has any of the guys you’ve been with ever been who you’re supposed to be with?”

I glanced at my sister. “No.”

“Listen, you’re young, Meadow. We all are. You have years to decide who you should be with. Hell, I don’t even…” She stopped herself, shaking her head. “Doesn’t matter. Anyway, just don’t rush into anything.”

“Yes, mom.” I crossed my arms under my chest and stared out the window. “I’m not rushing shit. I’m having fun. Which you should do too.”

Gigi scoffed. “Right. And who am I going to have fun with exactly?”

“Vince of course.”

“I’m too busy to have fun,” she grumbled.

“You’re never too busy. Sometimes you need a moment to yourself or with a hot, young thing that could help you get your head out of your ass.”

Her head whipped around. “My head is not in my ass.”

I laughed.

She sighed, a smile tugging at her lips. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”

“Fine.” I smirked. “But you know it’s true.”

“Will you stop?” She laughed, shaking her head.

I giggled.

“It’s difficult. Ever since Vince went off to school…it became…I don’t know. Weird I guess.” She only shrugged but didn’t elaborate.

I remembered the first time he came home. It was Thanksgiving. We hardly saw him. He had made some excuse that he was visiting friends. The pain etched on my sister’s face at the time would forever be burned into my memory. For that, he deserved his ass kicked but I had a feeling that my sister was doing that all on her own.

Once we pulled up to The Dove Project, my heart skipped a beat. Every damn time. It was like the large compound had a life of its own. It had amazed me as a kid and still amazed me to this very day.

“This place keeps getting bigger and bigger,” Gigi said, pulling the car into an empty parking space.

“And I think it’s only going to get bigger.” Once she put the car into park, I stepped out of the vehicle. A ding sounded on my phone, indicating an incoming text.

Sunny: You free this week?

I grinned, my body heating.

Me: Depends.

Sunny: On?

I thought a moment, my grin widening.

Me: Am I getting both of you or just one?

The dots moved on the screen. Stopped. Continued moving. And stopped again.

I laughed to myself, leaning against Gigi’s car.

“You coming?” she asked, heading toward the large building.