A moment of silence fell between us.

Was this how it was going to be? We shared a kiss and now it was…weird.

“You’re making it weird again,” Shade said, nudging me in the shoulder.

“I know.” He was so damned in tune to me, it was like he could hear what I was thinking before I even said anything. Another sigh left me.

“Hey.” Shade linked his fingers in mine, holding my hand between us. “I’m good with slow, Sunny.”

“Fifteen years is more than fucking slow. It’s not even a snail’s pace.”

“I don’t give a shit about that.” He lifted my hand. “Look at this.”

I looked. I looked fucking hard.

Both of our hands were calloused from work. I was a mechanic, so my hands were always dirty no matter how many times I cleaned them. They had become stained from years of working on cars, bikes, and even rigs.

“Meadow never pointed out my dirty hands,” I mumbled.

“She probably doesn’t care. They aren’t even dirty. They’re stained.” Shade turned his body toward me, dropping our hands on his lap. “I liked seeing you with her.”

My body stirred at the memories of the night before. So much pleasure erupted between the three of us. It had never been like that with any of the other women we had shared.

“What’s different about her?” I asked, pulling my hand from his. “We just met her, but it was so damn perfect, I want more. And I don’t know why.”

“I don’t know either, Sunny.”

I rested my arm across his lap, wanting more but scared to even hint for something.

“You know you’re the only person I’ve ever opened up to. Even though we’ve never had sex, you still know more about me than…than…”

I met his gaze. “I know.”

Shade stood from the couch. “Beer?”


He nodded, headed to the kitchen, and came back a moment later with two beers. He twisted the caps off of both and handed me one before sitting beside me.

He turned on the TV, flipped through a couple of channels until settling on an old horror movie that we had seen countless times thanks to another club brother and his wife having an obsession with them.

“I like this one,” Shade said, taking a swig of his beer.

I liked the movie too, but I couldn’t concentrate on it. No, instead, all I could think about was his lips pressed up against the head of the bottle. Or how the cords in his thick neck worked with each swallow. Or how a drop of liquid leaked out from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it away and was about to stick his finger between his lips when I stopped him.

The move had been so quick, I surprised myself.

Shade’s eyes widened. “What are you doing?”

Instead of answering him, I brought his hand to my mouth and stuck his finger between my lips. Licking the drop off of his finger, I kept my eyes locked on his. I didn’t know what had possessed me to make such a move but when Shade’s pupils dilated, and his nostrils flared, I knew I had made the right choice.



This was new. For him and for me. Although I had been with a man, that had been years ago, and it didn’t turn out well.

Sunny released my hand, sitting back. “I…I’m not—”