“YOU THINK WE’LL SEEher again?” I asked, watching Meadow run up the driveway to her house. She said that she lived in it with her sister and two other friends. It made me feel better knowing that she wasn’t alone in such a big place.
“Yeah, I do,” Sunny answered.
When Meadow hit the steps of the porch, she turned and gave us a wave before blowing a kiss our way.
I chuckled, waving back.
“She’s something else,” Sunny murmured.
Once Meadow was safe inside, Sunny straddled his bike.
As many times as we used Meadow, I was still itching for more. I was on the verge of snapping. Needing that connection with another human being, constantly. I wasn’t sure what the hell was wrong with me, but I knew I needed something more. Something else. Something…raw.
The abrupt use of my name pulled me from my thoughts. I took a chance and glanced at Sunny. He stared out ahead of us. His jaw was set. Firm and rigid. Much like the rest of him.
His gray eyes flicked to mine before putting his bike into gear. “Nothing.”
“What are we doing?” I blurted.
“How the hell should I know? You’ve done this before. I haven’t,” he reminded me.
I scoffed. “I haven’t done this shit since I was a kid. That was fifteen fucking years ago, Sunny. You know that.”
When he didn’t respond, I glanced his way.
“I need to go for a run,” he mumbled.
I turned back around, unsure as to what to do from here. We had spent the night with Meadow. Let her sleep and then took turns with her. But we never fucked her at the same time again. I wasn’t sure why. Maybe my confession bothered Sunny in ways I didn’t think would ever happen. But what I did know was that something had changed, and it changed fast.
“I wonder how sore Meadow is going to be today,” Sunny said, breaking the silence.
My body stirred, an ache settling deep in my balls. “Probably the same as me.”
He grunted. “Likewise, my man. I’ve never fucked something so damn hard before.”
I shivered, scrubbing a hand down my face. I wondered what it would feel like to be fucked by him like that. To feel him truly let go. Although he had given Meadow everything she had asked for, something told me that he still hadn’t unleashed his full wrath. I had seen him with other women. Hell, I had fucked other womenwithhim, but he still held back. Every damn time. And I wasn’t sure why.
Much to my surprise, Sunny reached for my hand. He took it in his, brushing his thumb over the back of it. “I care about you. I hope you know that. I know our shit is fucked up and we shouldn’t have brought Meadow into it. We hardly know her but I…”
“Iwantto get to know her,” I added, this newfound revelation not sitting well with me. Sunny wasn’t a talker. I was the one who did the talking. I pulled my hand from his and crossed my arms under my chest. My muscles twitched. A run sounded like a good idea at the moment.
He sighed. “I want to get to know her too. I’ll meet you at home.”
I watched him drive away, his bike kicking up dust behind him.
I sighed, getting on my own bike and following him.
An hour later and I pulled up in front of our house. Sunny was still straddling his bike in the middle of the driveway.
I parked, shut mine off, and joined Sunny.