She yelped, the sound shooting straight to the tip of my cock.

“Is it?” I repeated, landing another swat on her full ass.

“Yes,” Shade bit out through clenched teeth.

Meadow’s gaze burned into me but all I could focus on was the man staring back at me. A man I knew would be my first…everything.

“Then come here. Show me and her how much you want it.” I grabbed a handful of her ass cheek and gave it a little shake. Her body fit perfectly in my hands. She was short, curvy in all the right places, and an old man’s wet dream.

“Geeze,” she whispered, shaking against me.

I leaned down to her ear, brushing my lips over the soft skin. “You teased us a few hours ago, pet. It took everything in me not to slip your panties to the side and shove my cock deep inside you while our friends talked amongst themselves. But as much as I love being watched, I don’t think our friends are into voyeurism.”

“Probably not,” she said breathlessly.

I smirked, licking along the shell of her ear. “Are you into that, pet? You want to be watched?”

“As long as we’re the only ones touching each other, I’m down for anything,” she confessed.

I lifted my head, staring down at her. “Is that so?” I asked as Shade came up to us.

He grabbed a handful of her ass and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. “I think we can make that happen.”

Meadow’s grin grew. “Are you going to take me to the room and fuck me or are we doing this out here?”

Shade chuckled, pulling her back against him.

I took a step back and swiped out my arm. “Lead the way, little lamb. The wolves are hungry.”



Once I reached the last door on the right, I stopped and waited. I looked over my shoulder and found Sunny and Shade stalking toward me. God, I couldn’t believe this was happening. My fantasy with two men that I never thought would ever take place because all the guys I had been with didn’t like sharing. And not in the hot possessive way either. They were just pussies.

“You’re thinking.” Sunny closed the distance between us and petted his hand over my head. “Stop thinking, pet. We won’t hurt you.”

“I just met you tonight but somehow, for whatever reason, I believe you.” I chewed my bottom lip. “But it still doesn’t mean that I’m not nervous.”

Shade stood beside Sunny, resting his arm on top of his shoulder. “And why are you nervous?”

“Well, both of you are big. I imagine all of you is…well…big.” I let my gaze drop to their waists before meeting their gaze.

Shade chuckled. “Oh, I like you.”

Sunny smirked and unlocked the door to the room. “Don’t worry, Meadow. We’ll make sure you’re nice and wet to fit us both. And any pain we cause you, will be because you begged for it.” He stepped into the room and turned toward us. “Back out now, pet. Because once you step into this room, you belong to us for the rest of the fucking night.”

“What do you want, little lamb?” Shade asked, cupping my shoulders. “You want to be fucked by men?”

I swallowed hard.

“Tell me.” He ran his hand to the base of my throat and leaned down to my ear. His hot breath fanned the side of my face. “Say it. Say what you want, Meadow.”

I took a breath and let it all out. Everything I wanted them to do to me. “I want you both to spend the night fucking me.”

Shade chuckled, the sound dark and inviting.

I knew I should have been smart and run away at that point. They were too much for me.

But I wasn’t smart.

And I sure as hell didn’t run.