“He doesn’t scare me.” But he did. And that pissed me off.

“Heshouldscare you.” Shade brushed his thumb along my bottom lip.

I shivered at the soft contact.

“Hmm…” His gaze dropped to my mouth. “I could get used to this.”

“Used to what?” I breathed.

“Touching you.” He placed a soft peck on my forehead before releasing me.

I sighed, going back to my beer. “You mad at me?” I asked Sunny, lifting the glass to my lips.

“Depends.” He leaned down to my ear. “I think you should make it up to me.”

“Hmm…” I turned my head, our mouths mere inches apart. “How should I make it up to you?”

“I can think of many ways, Meadow.” He cupped my knee, his fingers digging into my flesh.

“Did it piss you off when he threatened me?” My hands itched to reach out to him. To cup his face. To feel him against me. To run them over every inch of him.

“More than I could ever tell you,” he grumbled, pulling away from me.

My heart stuttered at his confession. “Did it piss you off too?” I asked Shade.

His jade eyes darkened but instead of answering, he slid out from the other side of the booth. “Finish your beer. We need to go.”

Sunny did the same and left the bench, leaving me alone at the table. Both men looked down at me.

“We really need to go,” Sunny added.

My stomach flipped. I downed the beer, finishing it quickly like they demanded.

Was this it? Would my fantasy finally come true? I still had so many questions but for now, I was going to enjoy the rest of this night and let these men do whatever it was they wanted to do to me.