I laughed lightly even though the humor was never there. “I can almost hear him telling you to do what you’re good at.”

Shade smirked, placing a soft peck on my mouth. “Same.”

Brushing my fingers through his beard, I ran my thumb over his bottom lip. “I’m here. For whenever you’re ready. There’s no rush on anything.”

“I know.” His dark eyes met mine. They were pleading, begging for me to take away the pain that he was trying to run away from. Could he ever truly run away from it? No, because I couldn’t either. But I could run beside him.

Taking a chance because I wasn’t exactly sure what he needed, I kissed him again.

Much to my surprise, he cupped the back of my head and pressed his mouth against mine harder.

Slipping his tongue between my lips, it slid and danced along with mine. He spoke to me through that kiss alone. It was a quiet apology for pushing me away when he knew I needed him most. But it was also a cry for help. To take him out of his head. To help him heal. To give him something to focus on besides the pain tearing at his heart.

“Shade,” I whispered against his lips.

His mouth trailed down my jaw and back up before covering mine once again. The kiss picked up speed. It bordered on desperate. It was a need to erase all the heartache the last week and a bit had brought us.

Shade slid his hand down my side, sending a shiver of goosebumps along with it. He cupped my rear, squeezing and massaging his fingers into it. “Sunny loved your ass.”

I whimpered, breaking the kiss.

Our chests rose and fell.

Licking along my swollen lips, I stared into the eyes of the man I was trying to heal. “I love you,” I told him.

Shade slid his fingers around to my front, brushing lightly over my abdomen. “I love you too. And this baby. So damn much.” He pushed his hand beneath the fabric of my shirt and spread his fingers over my belly. “I think we should turn Sunny’s room into a nursery.”

My stomach tumbled. “Really?”

“I know it’s hard, but I like to think that he would be watching over our baby. It would be a way for our son or daughter to be close to him.”

My throat burned. “I like that idea.”

“I’m glad.” Shade placed a soft peck on my stomach. “I want you, Meadow. But…”

“It’s weird without him,” I answered for him.

He nodded.

“We don’t have to do anything. We can just take this one second at a time and see what happens.”

Shade nodded again, his fingers running along the edge of my sweatpants. “Kiss me.”

I did at the same time he pushed his hand into the waist of my bottoms. A moan lodged its way into my throat when Shade slipped his fingers through the folds of my pussy.

He grunted his approval, knowing that no matter what happened, my body would always react to him. I couldn’t help it. Both he and Sunny had given me everything I had ever needed. And now that it was just Shade and I, both of us had to try and fill that empty hole that Sunny left behind.

Shade slipped a finger inside me, followed by another and another. He swallowed my gasp, my sounds of pleasure getting lost between us. Sliding his other arm beneath my head, he deepened the kiss.

Hooking my fingers into the waist of my pants, I pushed them down my legs and kicked them off my feet.

His hand picked up speed, shoving all three fingers inside of me.

I grabbed his free hand, gripping the blankets beneath me with the other one.

He had never been overly dominant but this…this was his. I would do anything to help him feel better.

Shade’s mouth slowed, kissing me softly while he fingered my lower body.