“Tell them,” Greyson demanded.

Catch pushed the prospect until he was bent over the edge of the table. “Tell them,” he repeated.

The prospect looked squarely at me. “Roxanne set you up. It was supposed to be you who died. Not Sunny.”

“The fuck?” I gently pushed Meadow off of me and stood. “What are you talking about?”

Catch cupped the prospect’s nape, pushing his face into the table. “Answer his damn question.”

“I don’t know all of the details. I’m only a prospect,” he said quickly. “But I overheard a few of the guys talking about taking over the club and kicking Tanner out. That’s why he disappeared. He found out there was a mole. They want him dead. I don’t know why or any more than that.”

“What does Roxanne have to do with this?” I grit out.

“She started dating one of the guys. I didn’t see them when they were talking. I swear I didn’t. I’m new. Please believe me. She wanted Sunny back. That’s why she was trying to take you out. But the guy she’s dating doesn’t know this.”

“Then, how do you?”

“Because she was talking to someone else and I overheard them.”

“Wow.” Meadow blew out a slow breath. “I knew she was crazy, but I didn’t think she’d go this far.”

“You and me both, Meadow,” I mumbled.

“Where’s Roxanne now?” Greyson asked the prospect.

“I don’t know. She left after Tanner did.” The prospect struggled beneath Catch’s weight. “Please, let me try and get answers. I’ll do what I can. I can find Tanner as well.”

Greyson raised an eyebrow. “Take him to the basement. I’ll be there in a moment.”

Tray and Catch pulled him away from the table and out of the room, his screams following behind them.

“We’ll find out answers,” Grey finally said. “You said Roxanne was at the graveyard today. So she can’t be far. I promise you we will find out what the hell is going on. But I think you should act like you know nothing. Text Roxanne. Try and contact her in some way and let her know how sorry you are for her loss. Whatever shit you want to say. Maybe she’ll cave eventually and come forward.”

Unlikely. But I only nodded.

The rest of the meeting ended up in a blur. The guys promised to take care of things and get answers. I texted Roxanne, letting her know everything I knew which wasn’t much. When she called me, that was not a conversation I wanted to repeat. She had been off at the funeral, not how I expected her to react. But hearing her sobs on the phone, tore at my heart. As much as I didn’t like her, I knew that somewhere deep down inside of her, she did in fact love Sunny.

I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she had tried to take me out so she could be with Sunny herself.

“Did you call Roxanne’s kids?” Meadow asked later that night when we were finally alone.

“I did.” That wasn’t a conversation I wanted to repeat either. I had called them before Sunny was buried but couldn’t get ahold of them. It seemed Sunny made things seem better than what they were. Roxanne had them believe Sunny was their dad. I wasn’t sure how that was possible but since Sunny was never around, it made him look like a deadbeat father. All because of a woman who couldn’t let go.

My chest ached, my heart hurting for a man who could no longer defend himself. I did my best to clear the air but that only did so much.

Time was what they needed.

It was what we all needed.