Meadow squeezed my hand, giving me a small smile.

Tray clapped my shoulders. “Yeah, brother, it is. It means you’re stronger than you think you are.”

Maybe so but I sure as hell didn’t feel like it.

Tray let me go, nodding toward an empty chair by the head of the table. I sat in it, pulling Meadow onto my lap.

Greyson moved to the president’s chair while the rest of the crew rolled in. He took a breath, scrubbed a hand down his face and then took another breath. “First, Sunny wouldn’t want us wallowing. The fucker hated this shit.”

I grunted, knowing for a fact that he was right.

“But it doesn’t mean that we aren’t allowed to grieve.” Grey met my gaze. “Especially both of you.”

I nodded.

Meadow hooked her arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

“What have you found out?” I asked, knowing it couldn’t be much since Sunny died only a few days ago.

“Well…” Greyson met my gaze.

I shifted in my seat. “What?”

“What all do you know about Roxanne Wilson?”

A look passed between Meadow and I before she started talking, “She’s Sunny’s ex-wife. They had some problems. He tried helping her and her kids, but she was using him. She was there today.”

“Of course she was,” Grey muttered. “Some of our boys stayed behind after the police left and both of you went to the hospital.” He stood and started pacing. “It sounds like Roxanne has been busy.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, his pacing making me nervous.

“I have a feeling that Tanner has nothing to do with this,” Greyson said, rubbing his jaw.

“What?” Meadow sat forward. “But he was there. He…he touched me. He’s…”

“Hey.” I pulled her back against me. “Shhh…” I whispered, cupping her cheek.

“But it’s true.” Her body shook.

“Listen.” Greyson stopped, his brows narrowing. “I know he’s an evil fucker. Trust me, I’ve seen that shit firsthand. For someone so damn young…hell, he’s my son’s age.” Grey shook his head. “Doesn’t matter. After the twins took you to the hospital, we tried to confront Tanner and find out what the hell happened.”

“And? Did you find out anything?” I demanded, needing some answers. Just something. Anything to hold onto so we could heal.

“Shade,” Grey said gently. “Tanner disappeared.”

Meadow gasped.

Bodies shifted around us.

I just sat there.

The doors suddenly opened.

Catch and Tray held a young man between them. Prospect was written on a patch on his leather cut. His face was badly beaten while blood had matted his bangs to his forehead.

“Let me go,” he demanded but his voice came out shaky.

“What’s going on?” Meadow asked, curling against me.