“Meadow,” Shade said gently. “We need to meet with Greyson and the guys.”

“Oh. Okay.” I looked back at Roxanne. “Well, it was nice meeting you. I wish it could have been under better circumstances.”

She snorted. “Right. I’m sure you do.” She gave me a curt nod. “Shade.” And with that, she spun on her heel and headed back toward her car.

“Well that was odd,” I muttered.

“Yeah, she’s never been a fan of mine.” Shade cupped my shoulders and spun me around until I faced him. “But enough about her. We have to meet with Greyson. It’s about Sunny.”



Greyson didn’t want to meet so soon. Especially when we’d just buried Sunny. But Meadow and I both needed answers so we could try and move on. It would still be difficult, no matter what information we got but Sunny deserved justice.

After we left the graveyard, we told Meadow’s parents that we would be by later that evening. Thankfully they understood. It helped when Meadow’s father was a hothead and would have gone through hell first to get the answers he was needing if someone he loved died.

Sunny would definitely understand because I knew that he would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed.

“I’m nervous,” Meadow said, pulling me from my thoughts.

“I know, baby. So am I.” I pulled the SUV into the large driveway sitting in front of the Hell’s Harlem clubhouse. This would be the first time that I had ever stepped foot into the building without Sunny.

My heart jumped to my throat.

I inhaled a shaky breath.

“Let’s get this done and over with.” Meadow’s voice was soft. So damn soft, I almost didn’t hear her.

I nodded and left the vehicle.

Trudging around to her side, I opened the door and leaned in before she could exit. “I love you.” I cupped her face. “Whatever we find out, we are in this together. I’m not leaving you. Not for anything.”

She covered my hand. “I’m not leaving you either.”

“Good.” I kissed her softly on the forehead and grabbed her hand, helping her leave the SUV.

When we made our way inside the house, we were greeted with friendly but sad smiles, hugs, condolences, and more hugs. But while that went on, my hand always remained connected with Meadow’s. I wasn’t letting her go. Ever. I knew that at first, she was concerned that I would leave her because we had gone into this as a ménage. A trio. But none of that mattered to me. I loved her. I meant that. Sunny wouldn’t want us to end things just because he was no longer around. It wasn’t how we worked. Once we loved, we loved hard and we remained faithful. It was why I had waited so damn long for Sunny. I knew he would come around. It would have only been a matter of time before he got his head out of his ass.

I just wished he could be there for when our baby was born. He loved kids. Even when they weren’t his own.

“Alright, let’s give them the information we know, so they can have some time alone.” Greyson’s booming voice left no room for question.

With Meadow’s hand in mine, I led her to the meeting room. Non-club members weren’t usually allowed in the room, but this was an exception.

“Shade.” Greyson stepped in front of me. His gray eyes locked on mine. Much to my surprise, he pulled me in for a hug. “I’m so sorry, brother. So fucking sorry. I know you loved him.”

My eyes welled, that damn lump burning in my throat again.

“I’m proud of you though.”

I leaned back, wiping under my eyes. “What do you mean?”

Tray and Catch came up on either side of him.

“You didn’t go in guns blazing when you found Sunny,” Greyson explained. “You went to the hospital to be with your girl and let the police do their job.”

I shrugged. “It’s not a big deal.”