Shade came back toward me and sat. “I won’t be upset.”

“Listen to me.” I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. “I love you. I love you and Sunny. And while he’s gone, he will always live on with this baby.” I grabbed Shade’s hand and brought it to my stomach. “Our baby. I know it’s either yours or Sunny’s. Not the other guy’s. The math doesn’t add up and I had my period right before I met you both.”

Shade’s body relaxed at that.

I ran my hand down his chest. “Whatever this is…I felt like it was right with you two. All along I knew it was where I needed to be and who I needed to be with. I don’t believe in fate but…”

“I know.” Shade kissed my forehead. “I felt it too. All along. The whole damn time.”

“This baby belongs to both you and Sunny. And we’ll raise them to understand that they have two daddies. Even though Sunny is…” I swallowed hard.

“Meadow.” Shade threw himself around me. “You’re fucking incredible.”

“I’m really not,” I said, hugging him back.

“You are.” He fisted my hair, staring intently into my eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I murmured. “More than I can ever tell you.”