
SUNNY AND SHADE JOINEDme at the booth, but something was off with them. Sunny had a scowl on his face while Shade kept glaring daggers at him. Almost as if he were challenging him in a way. Were they an actual couple? They didn’t act like it, but the way Shade looked at him made me wonder if there was something more there than they both let on. I had questions I wanted to ask but knew when to keep my mouth shut. As much as I usually voiced my opinion, I knew that this was not one of those times where I should say whatever was on my mind. No matter how much it was driving me crazy.

“Everything good?” I asked when Sunny sat beside me.

He glanced across the table, narrowing his brows at Shade. “Yup.”

Shade crossed his arms under his chest. “What are you having, Meadow?”

“Just a beer please.” I pulled my phone from my bag and texted Piper, letting her know that I was at the bar and I was safe. Didn’t need her worrying to the point she showed up and ruined what little chances I had of having some fun.

“Want anything, Sunny?” Shade asked.

“Beer,” Sunny grunted.

Shade nodded, left the booth, and headed to the bar.

“Not that it’s any of my business, but what’s going on?” I asked Sunny once we were alone. Looked like I didn’t keep that promise to myself for long.

“It’s…complicated.” Sunny huffed, staring after Shade.

“Oh…well…” I turned my body toward him, lifting my knee and resting it on the bench beneath me.

Sunny peered down at me. His nostrils flared. He shook himself, averting his gaze. “You’re something else, pet.”

My stomach tumbled at the term of endearment. “Is that good or bad?”

He met my gaze. “Why would you think it was bad?”

I shrugged. “I know I can be a little much sometimes.”

Sunny pinched my chin, tilted my head back, and searched my face. “Don’t change for anyone, you hear me? I’ve been around long enough to know that only your true friends won’t give a shit what you do, what you say, or who you’re with. As long as you are fucking happy, they shouldn’t care. Understand me?”

I nodded.

“I asked you a question,” he said, his voice firm.

Desire coiled in the pit of my stomach at the deep vibrato of his voice. “Yes.” I licked my dry lips. “Sir.”

A cocky grin pulled at his lips. “I like the sound of that word on your tongue, Meadow.”

I laughed. “Of course you would. I’m sure most men would like being calledSir.”

He chuckled. “Probably.”

Shade came back at that moment with a pitcher of beer and three glasses. “Jaron texted me and said that he’s at the motel. He’s calling it a night.”

“Probably had too much sex and it wore him out,” I said, pouring each of us a beer.

“How do you know he had sex?” Sunny asked, taking the glass from me after I filled it to the top.

“Both him and Piper disappeared. I put two and two together. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that there’s something there,” I explained.

“Well it’s none of our business but I happen to agree.” Shade took a sip of his beer.

“You do?” Sunny rested his arm across my lap, his thumb brushing back and forth over my knee.

“I do.” Shade shrugged. His eyes flicked to somewhere beside Sunny. A dark shadow passed over his face. “Fuck me,” he growled.