Dad pulled her against him, wrapping his arms her. He murmured into her hair, something that only she could hear.

A light laugh followed, setting the tension resting on my shoulders at ease.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he whispered.

“Don’t be. Tyler was a fucker and even dead, he’s still a…” She leaned back, cupping her husband’s face. “Fucker.”

Dad smirked.

I joined Sunny and Shade on the couch, dropping my head in my hands. Tanner wanted something but even my mom had no idea what it was.

“There’s no set of numbers or anything that Tyler could have given you?” Sunny asked, running his hand in circles over my back.

“I’m not sure.” She went back to the box and started looking through the items in it. “There’s not much in here. I have some pictures. Old movie stubs. A guitar pick. A ring.”

I went up to her and tried helping as best I could, but it was hard when I had no idea what Tanner could want either. I picked up the ring. “This is pretty,” I murmured.

“Why the hell do you still have that shit?” Dad demanded.

“Before you get all alpha male on me and demand why I still have this, I kept it because it reminds me of how far I’ve come.”

Dad only grunted.

Mom sighed, nodding toward the ring. “He had that inscribed with numbers. Maybe that’s what Tanner’s looking for. Not sure what the numbers are for though. I tried asking Tyler, but he never told me.” She shrugged and brought a picture out of the box. “Oh this is of me and you.” She handed it to Dad. “It must have gotten accidentally put in here.”

“It was after we went on our first date.” Dad beamed, standing up taller.

While they continued reminiscing about their date, I read the inscription on the inside of the ring. Mom was right. There was a set of numbers. “This might be what Tanner wants,” I said, turning the gold ring back and forth. It was beautiful with a single red diamond in the shape of a heart clasped inside four claws. “Thank you. I just hope we can get this situation under control and that Tanner leaves us alone.”

“I can make a call,” Dad said, cracking his knuckles.

“I’m sure you could but I wouldn’t want anything to happen.” I pulled away from my mom as Sunny and Shade came up behind us.

“Tanner’s crew isn’t like ours,” Sunny explained. “Greyson has been trying to clean up Hell’s Harlem’s mess for years but Tanner? He just doesn’t care.”

“What crew is he with?” Dad asked, wrapping an arm around Mom’s shoulders.

“He’s the president of Devil’s Rejects,” Shade answered, crossing his arms under his broad chest.

“Shit.” Dad shook his head. “I’ve heard of them. Your dad’s crew had issues with them in the past, did they not?” he asked my mom.

“Yeah.” Mom pulled me back into a hug. “You be safe,” she murmured into my hair. “You hear me, Meadow? I know you’re strong. You are so damn strong but it’s okay to ask for help.”

“I know, Mama,” I whispered.

She leaned back, cupping my face. “I love you.”

I covered her hand with mine. “I love you too.”



I expected Angel to rip off our balls and feed them to us but for whatever reason, he didn’t. It was almost like he was okay with both Sunny and I dating his daughter. But Greyson had been right. He was a huge fucker. Even though he was older and probably well into his fifties, he kept in good shape. There was no extra weight around his middle from what I could tell.

Get it together, Shade. Now you’re checking out your girl’s father.

I shook my head.