
My smile fell when I heard my father’s deep voice. “Uh…” I turned back around, giving him a small wave. “Hey, Daddy.”

His back stiffened. “What’s going on?”

“Um…” I took a deep breath. I had never brought a guy home before, so this was new for me. And Sunny and Shade weren’t just random guys. They were more. So much more. They were everything I had been looking for without even realizing it.

“You got this, baby girl,” Sunny whispered.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. “Dad, this is Sunny. Sunny, my father, Angel.”

Sunny stuck his hand out.

Dad returned the handshake.

“And this is Shade.” I cupped Shade’s arm.

“The name is Roy, but I go by Shade.” Shade linked his fingers in mine, giving me the strength I needed to face my father over the fact that I was with, not one, but two men.

Dad released Sunny’s hand and crossed his arms under his chest. His dark eyes that mirrored my own, dropped to my joined hand with Shade’s.

Sunny stepped closer to me.

I never thought I would see the day where I would bring home two men to meet my parents. How could you even approach your father with that?

Hey, Daddy. So, I’m fucking two guys. K? K.

“I’m not sure what’s going on right now,” Dad muttered as my mom stepped up beside him.

“Why don’t we go into the living room and we can talk because I’m assuming you didn’t just come here for a visit, did you?” she asked me.

“No.” I sighed. “I didn’t.” When I went to take a step forward, dad raised his hand, stopping me.

“I need to know one thing first.” His dark eyes flicked back and forth between Sunny and Shade. “You treating my girl well?”

“Yes, sir,” Sunny answered, which was almost funny in a way seeing as they were closer to my dad’s age than my own.

“Dad.” I stepped between him and the guys. “Whatever you’re thinking, I’m sure it’s not as bad as what’s really going on.” Not that I knew what he was thinking of course but I could tell by the deep frown between his brows that he assumed the guys forced me into this. It was a typical fatherly trait. It was always the man’s fault. No matter how kinky their daughter was. Not that he knew my kinks. God, I was losing my mind. My cheeks burned. Sunny and Shade had me all over the place. And after our confession, it only seemed to get worse.

“You have no idea what I’m thinking, Meadow,” he growled, his jaw ticking.

“Angel,” Mom said gently, taking his hand in hers. “She’s happy. Finally. You can see it.”

“Will you give us a moment please?” I asked the guys. “You can head out back.”

They mumbled a response and went out into the backyard.

“Daddy,” I said once we were alone.

“You’re with two men.” Dad searched my face. “Aren’t you?”

“I know it’s not what most would consider normal, but it is becoming more of a thing. And besides, two of your navy brothers are with the same woman,” I reminded him, knowing Piper’s Aunt was happy with the two men she had met years ago.

“That’s different.” Dad started pacing.

“How is that different?” I demanded, not needing to talk about this at the moment when Tanner’s request was looming over my head.

“It’s different because you are my baby. My little girl. My youngest. Those men are old enough to be your father. They’re my age, Meadow.” Dad rubbed the back of his neck, dropped his arm to his side and rubbed his neck again.