“And it scared you too,” I told Shade as he came up to us.

“It did because I knew that I would have done anything to keep you safe.” Shade rubbed a hand over his head. “If Tanner would have taken it further than what he already did, I don’t know what I would have done.”

I swallowed hard. “I know.” I shivered at the thought. “But enough of that, we’re going to be talking about him with my mom anyway. But before that, I just…I want you both to know…” I looked between them. Two very different men. Sunny’s beard had grown in more while Shade’s eyes held wrinkles at the corners. Both had graying hair, and both cared for me in ways I never even knew was possible.

“What is it, pet?” Sunny tilted his head. “Tell us.”

My heart raced, thumping so damn hard, I was surprised they couldn’t hear it themselves. “I’m falling in love with you. I know we haven’t been together for long, but I don’t care about that. Which is funny because I never believed in love at first sight but you two—”

A hot mouth crushed mine in a toe-curling kiss.

I sighed, my eyes fluttering closed.

“I’m falling in love with you too, pet,” Sunny whispered against my mouth.

My eyes popped open, landing on his handsome face.

He smirked.

Shade had a goofy grin on his face. He pulled me away from Sunny. “And I’m in love with you too, little lamb.” He brushed his nose along the length of my neck. “So fucking in love with you.”

“Really?” My eyes welled. I wasn’t normally a crier, but this deserved all of the happy tears.

“Yes.” Shade kissed the side of my head. “We’ll celebrate later but right now, let’s go to your parents’ place and get this over with.”

“I agree with him.” Sunny pinched my chin and placed a soft peck on my mouth. “Until later.”



She loved us. And we loved her. The confession sparked something inside of me. It was a feral need to claim her as ours. To make her my ultimate pet. To put a damn collar around her beautiful throat. But that would come in time. For now, we would take this one day at a time. I still had Roxanne to worry about.

While I drove us to Meadow’s parents’ place, her and Shade sat in the back. He would meet my gaze in the reflection of the rearview mirror every now and again. He gave me a small smile every so often, followed by a contented sigh and I would grip the steering wheel. Truth was, I was on edge. The sex hadn’t curbed the itch to completely consume Meadow.


My eyes snapped to the mirror.

Meadow was staring at me. “We got this.” She cupped my arm, running her hand up and down it soothingly.

I sighed. “I know but I don’t like that Tanner touched you. I don’t like that he brought you into this shit and I also don’t like that he’s bringing your mom into this either.”

“I know.” Meadow sat back. “I don’t know much about my mom’s younger days. They’re hush hush about that shit. They want to protect us. Apparently, there was some issues with my aunt.”

“Aunt?” Shade repeated.

“Yeah. My mom’s twin.” Meadow shrugged. “I haven’t seen my Aunt Violet in years. She was taken when she was my age. Maybe even younger. And she was sold.” A shiver tremored through her. “I don’t know much but I know whoever took her, also took her finger. These people are disgusting.”

“Shit, baby girl. I had no idea.” I shook my head.

“My mom doesn’t like talking about it. She was almost taken from my dad herself, so it’s a sore spot for them.” Meadow looked out the window, chewing her bottom lip. “I just want all of this to end. But I know it won’t. That’s why the center was built. I’m not there much but it means everything to me.” When she looked my way, her gaze was hard and determined. “I’m not sure if Tanner is into this shit as well but either way, we need to find out what’s going on and why he thinks my mom can get him what he wants.”

“We’ll find that out, little lamb.” Shade pulled her into his side. “I promise you.”

Once we pulled in front of her parents’ place, they left the back seat of the SUV. While I hoped Shade’s promise held true, there was no way of knowing what was going to go down once Tanner got the information he was looking for.

Shade and Meadow waited for me. To snap? To do something else? I wasn’t sure. But what I did know was my feelings for her. For him. For us. We were a trio. There was not one or two but three of us. While it wasn’t normal for most, it was normal for us.

But as happy as I was, there was still that nagging little feeling deep inside of me. The calm before the storm. As cliché as it sounded, something else was going to happen. Something worse. And I wasn’t sure if any of us was strong enough to come back from it.