“Why can’t you go to her yourself?” I suddenly felt small. The longer he stared at me, the harder my chest tightened. My heart thumped. My palms became sweaty.

Tanner sat forward. “Numbers, Meadow. I want numbers. It’s an account number. A number to a safety deposit box. I don’t know. But I know that my dad gave them to your mom.” He turned toward his computer. “You can leave.”

“I think you’ve seen one too many movies,” I mumbled. “Or your dad did.” Just as I was about to turn and head to the door, knowing there was no point in trying to get more information from the guy, a large shadow loomed over me. Ice cold fear froze me in place.

“I don’t suggest making jokes, Meadow. I don’t give a shit who you’re fucking.” A heavy fist captured my hair, ripping my head back.

I cried out, strands of hair pulling free from my head.

The door suddenly crashed open, revealing a red-faced Sunny with Shade standing beside him.

“Get your fucking hands off our girl,” Sunny seethed, his fists clenching at his sides.

Tanner tugged my hair, forcing me back a step.

I winced, reaching up to try and pull his hands off me but he was too strong.

Sunny and Shade came farther into the room, followed by some of Tanner’s men. They had their guns drawn, aiming them at Sunny and Shade but neither of them seemed to notice.

“Now boys, we wouldn’t want any issues.” Tanner wrapped his other arm around my shoulders. “Would we, Meadow?”

“Just let me go and I’ll get you what you’re looking for.” Not that I knew if my mom would have any idea what numbers he was going on about, but it would be worth a shot.

“Nah. You see.” Tanner kissed my cheek, earning him a growl from Shade. “I’m enjoying this actually. I’m not really into voyeurism but it would be hot as fuck if they watched.”

Bile rose to my throat, my eyes widened. He wouldn’t. There was no way that Tanner could be that evil. Hell, he broke his prospect’s arm for insulting Shade over being bi-sexual. But then I remembered the story that Shade had told me about Tanner, and I realized right then and there that I had no idea how we were going to get out of this. If he had fucked that guy’s wife in front of him, who even knew if it had been consensual on her part.

“You wouldn’t,” I said, my voice shaky. Sunny and Shade had warned me about him and his club. Even though Tanner stopped people from holding dog fighting rings, he didn’t care about humanity. Especially women. “Please, Tanner. Just let me go.”

“Nope. Not happening.” Tanner kept a firm hold on my hair, pulling my head back even more. “My boys leaving you alone?”

I opened my mouth to answer when Shade responded.

“Yeah, for now,” Shade growled, taking a step toward us.

Sunny cupped his shoulder, stopping him.

“Good.” Tanner leaned down to my ear. “How long do you think it would take before they snapped? What do you think I would have to do to you to make them break, little one? Think they would care?” His lips brushed along the shell of my ear. “With my men here, I could probably get away with a hell of a lot, couldn’t I?”

I swallowed past the bile threatening to burn my throat. “No,” I croaked.

“No?” Tanner chuckled, the sound cold and evil much like the man holding me. “Are you sure about that?” His hand moved to my stomach, sliding up to just beneath my left breast. “I know your boys are smart. They wouldn’t want to start a war. And they would also let me do anything to you as long as that never happened. You know I’m right.”

While Tanner spoke, I kept my eyes on Sunny and Shade. Both of them looked like they were holding themselves back from charging for Tanner. But he was right. If they did anything stupid, Tanner’s men could shoot them, and I didn’t want that. So instead, I stood there and waited.



I was brought back to my first experience with a guy who never took no for an answer. He touched me in places I had longed to be touched but never by him. I had thought I wanted it at first, but he had moved too fast for me. After that night, I swore off men completely until Sunny finally started opening up to me. But now, watching Tanner touch Meadow, something that didn’t belong to him, red clouded my vision.

Sunny shifted from foot to foot beside me. The air became thick between us.

Meadow’s eyes pleaded for us to save her but with the guns at our backs, there was nothing we could do but wait.

“What do you want?” Sunny demanded, taking a step toward them.

Tanner smirked, whispering in Meadow’s ear.