
I WAS ALMOST EXPECTINGSunny and Shade to argue with me. But when I stood from the bench and went into the house, they followed. They didn’t utter a single word. They didn’t say anything even as we drove to Tanner’s club. They didn’t tell me I was crazy for wanting to speak to him and for actually listening to his demands. They stood at my side as we walked into his club. And they remained back when I found him coming toward us.

“Ah, Meadow. It’s nice to be listened to. I see that you talked to your brother.” Tanner nodded once, glancing over my head.

“What do you want, Tanner, and why the hell does my mom have something to do with this?” I demanded, not caring in the least that we were out in the open. I didn’t care that we weren’t alone. I wanted answers and when it came to my family, just like the guys I was dating, I would do anything to get the answers I was looking for.

Tanner turned on his heel. “Follow me.”

When I went to take a step forward, a heavy hand landed on my shoulder, stopping me.

“Be careful, little lamb,” Shade whispered in my ear. “He’s an evil bastard who will do anything to stay at the top.”

“I don’t care,” I told Shade. “If this has something to do with my mom, then Tanner will see just how evilIcan be. My dad was in the U.S. Navy,” I reminded him. “And someone I consider an uncle, was a sniper.” I kissed his cheek and started following Tanner. But I heeded to Shade’s warning. Tanner made me nervous. He acted nice but once you crossed him, he would never forget. I had a feeling that he had many notches on his bedpost and it wasn’t from sleeping with people. There was an eerie feeling about him. It was like looking into dead eyes even though his heart still beat inside him. He was soulless.

Standing up taller, I took a deep breath and walked down the long hall that Tanner had gone down.

With Sunny and Shade behind me, I gathered the strength I needed to see this through. I didn’t know what my mom had done or why she was involved in whatever mess Ryder had gotten himself into. Either way, Tanner better hope my mom stayed safe because he would have to deal with my father if she didn’t.

“You’re probably wondering why I’ve asked for you to come here,” Tanner said, finally stopping at a door.

“No,” I said, drawing out the word. “I just assumed we were here for tea.”

Tanner’s mouth twitched. “Funny.” All humor left his dark cold eyes. He unlocked the door and pushed it open. “After you, Meadow.”

I swallowed hard, walked past him, and entered the room.

“Not happening.”

I turned.

Tanner was standing in the doorway, stopping Sunny and Shade from joining me in the room. “This is between Meadow and I.”

I opened my mouth to argue when Tanner shut the door and clicked the lock into place. Crossing my arms under my chest, I lifted my chin. I refused to let him see that he made me nervous. And I especially refused to let him see that he got to me. I didn’t know what he wanted. I wouldn’t have cared either but when he brought my family into this, nothing else mattered.

“What are you wanting, Tanner?” I demanded, taking in the office I was standing in. It was large. Bookshelves lined the one far wall and a large oak desk sat by another. My gaze dropped to a dark stain on the floor. My stomach twisted, not wanting to know what that was from.

“To chat.” Tanner leaned against the door, crossing his arms under his chest and mirroring my pose.

“About what?” The office reminded me of the owner himself. It was dark, cold and sent a tremor of unease racing through me. I didn’t want to be there but at the same time, felt I had no other choice. Whatever my mom did, my dad was going to lose his shit.

“Your mom has something that I want.”

“How do you even know my mom? And what the hell did Ryder do to get caught up in this shit?”

“Wrong place, wrong time. It’s not my fault he bumped into me.” Tanner shrugged, which was odd in a way for someone so damn big. “Listen, it doesn’t matter. I just want something that your mom has.”

“My mom doesn’t even know you.” Not that I really knew if she did or not, but Tanner didn’t need to know that.

“Come on, Meadow. You’re not stupid.” He pushed away from the door he was leaning against and took a step toward me. “You will get what I want.”

“How do I even know that my mom has something that belongs to you?” I backed up until I hit the wall. “You could be lying. I’ve heard about you and your ways.”

Tanner chuckled, running two fingers along his mouth. His dark eyes roamed down the length of me before meeting my gaze. “You know…you are beautiful. I don’t usually go for young ones, but I’d make an exception for you.”

“Well aren’t I lucky,” I said dryly.

His laugh deepened. Something flashed behind his eyes. Tanner Horsch wasn’t your typical man. Whatever happened to him had fucked him up. He had seen things. Bad things. Evil things that only happened in nightmares. Something haunted his dreams. I knew because I had seen that same look in the men I grew up with. While they were older and had practice dealing with their demons, Tanner was younger and let that shit eat him up.