“I’m sorry, Meadow.” If her brother wasn’t in the backyard, I would show her just how sorry I actually was.

“I know you are.” Meadow wrapped her arms around my neck. “I won’t hurt you. I won’t hurt either of you. I like this. I’ve wanted to try doing this before but the guys I’ve been with, were never into threesomes.”

“They got weirded out?” Shade asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah. But you two…you’re different. Besides being older, I felt safe the moment I met you. Hell, even before I knew your names.” She met my gaze. “When you pulled me onto your lap, Sunny, I…”

“What?” I asked, my heart jumping at her words. Meadow wasn’t a talker. I learned that rather quickly. Even though she always said what was on her mind, she never opened up to her actual feelings. So now that she was, I would take it and run with it. “Tell me.”

“I liked you. Both of you.” She cupped Shade’s cheek. “It was instant. I’ve never felt that before.”

My dick pushed against the fly of my jeans.

“Meadow,” Ryder barked from the patio door, ruining our little moment.


Meadow pulled away from us, the air around me suddenly becoming cold.

But as she went to walk away, I grabbed her upper arm and pulled her back against me. “We’ll talk more later.” I kissed the spot beneath her ear. “Because I want to know every thought and feeling running through that beautiful head of yours. And Meadow?”

“Yeah?” she asked breathlessly.

I pinched her jaw, turning her head toward me. “I felt it too.”

She gave me a soft smile, placing a gentle peck on my cheek before giving Shade a kiss as well. “I want that date,” she said, following her brother outside to the backyard.

“Fucking hell.” Shade rubbed the back of his neck.

“Yup.” I stepped in front of him, stopping him from following Meadow.

He raised an eyebrow but waited.

“I don’t know about you, but I like to think I know you well enough to take a guess at it. You’re falling for her.” I raised my hand when he went to speak. “Trust me, I’m falling for her just the same. But neither of us have been in a relationship with the same woman before.”

“If you’re worried that I’m going to get jealous if I come home and find you making love to her, I won’t.” Shade took a step toward me. “If you think that I’m going to get upset because you want some time alone with her, I won’t. Because I know, that you’ll give me that time as well. But I also know that you won’t want that. Sure, the three of us won’t always be together. It’s bound to happen. But I also can’t see any of us getting jealous. In fact.” Shade closed that gap between us, his gaze dropping to my mouth. “I think all of us will like it. It’ll be like the anticipation of not knowing what the other two are doing.”

I swallowed hard at the images he was putting in my head.

“And remember.” He took a step around me. “She’s not Roxanne. Roxanne didn’t want me in the picture. Even after you and I started talking again.” Instead of waiting for me to answer, he joined Meadow outside.

Shoving a hand through my hair, I let out a hard sigh, and made my way to the backyard.



I almost blurted something dangerous. Sunny and Shade already knew things about me that I had never shared with anyone. They unleashed this newfound awareness deep inside me and I couldn’t wait to explore more with them and help them do the same. It looked like the three of us were newer at this than Sunny let on.

When he admitted to being scared that I would hurt him, my heart tore behind the walls of my rib cage. This whole time, I feared they would hurt me and here Sunny had felt the same way. I wasn’t sure if Shade did as well.


My gaze flicked to Shade’s.


“Ryder asked you a question.” He sat beside me. “He asked you twice actually.”