“Excuse me?” My heart thumped.

“I mean.” Zach coughed. “Don’t wear red,” he said gently.

“Why not?” I loved the color red.

“Because the guy’s a dick and I don’t want him eye-fucking you because when you wear red, you look hot as hell,” Zach said all in one breath.

“Oh. Is that all?” I muttered.

“Listen.” Zach shifted, placing the phone down in front of him. “I want you comfortable but don’t go out of your way to impress him.”

“What if…what if I want to impress you?” I asked, not sure where this newfound bravery was coming from.

“You don’t need to wear a pretty dress to impress me, Moonbeam.”

“So, you’re saying that I could wear a paper bag and you’d be impressed?” This conversation was beginning to become…weird.

“Something like that.” Zach winked.

“Why, Zachary? Are you flirting with me?” I waggled my eyebrows.

He grinned, rubbing his jaw. “Maybe I am.”

“Luna? You awake?” Angelica Rodriguez called out from the other side of the door.

“I am,” I yelled back.

“I’ll let you go, Moonbeam,” Zach said. “I’ll see you tonight. Be ready for seven.”

“Okay.” We said our goodbyes as the door opened. “What’s up, Gigi?” I asked, using the nickname I had given her as a child when I couldn’t say her full name. Gigi stuck, and everyone started calling her it.

“Meadow’s making breakfast. She tried out this new recipe for some pastries.”

“She couldn’t sleep either?” I asked, sliding off the bed. Meadow was Gigi’s younger sister and working her way to owning her own bakery. She never admitted to that of course but we all knew it was what she wanted to do.

“No.” Gigi sighed, pulling an elastic from her wrist and putting her long auburn hair back into a ponytail. “Neither could I, so I figured we’d at least start the day off right with good food.”

“I like that idea.”

“Were you on the phone with Zach?” she asked, leaning against the doorframe.

“Yeah.” I rummaged through my dresser, pulling out a pair of gray shorts and a white t-shirt.

“Everything okay?”

I met her gaze in the mirror. “Of course.” I wasn’t sure if they knew that Zach got nightmares every now and again, so I kept that piece of information to myself.

She shook her head. “I don’t get you two. Clearly there is something there, but you are too stubborn to do anything about it.”

“Well…” Were we too stubborn? Sure, Zach and I flirted, but it never amounted to anything more than that. Besides, as much as I liked him, he slept with a lot of women. And I couldn’t compete with that.

“But I get it.”

My head snapped up. I slowly turned toward her. “You do?”

She nodded. “Our fathers are over-protective. I’m not sure if that’s the issue here but I do know that it could cause a problem.”

“My dad hasn’t really said anything.” Not that I ever dated anyway but he never laid down the law when I became old enoughtodate.