“Lord Rogue. How is it possible that you are lurking around my camp?”

Rogue released my arm but slid his hand around to the back of my bare neck. Falcon watched the movement and I saw him take in the flower earrings with an inaudible hiss. I really hoped they didn’t count as some kind of engagement ring.

“I came to claim my property.”

I tensed and his hand flexed on my neck. Oh boy, this was so not going to be fun.

“Oh?” Falcon raised his brows and sat back in the chair, acting as if he’d just now noticed my existence. “I was under the impression that the Lady Sorceress Gwynn wasmypet for the time being.”

“That time has ended.”

“No.” Falcon propped an elbow on the throne and leaned his head in his hand, putting on a thoughtful face. “No, I’m quite sure I have six years left of her oh-so-valuable services. Why, we would never have won the Battle for the Shining Seas without her brilliant strategy the other day.”

He beamed at me, like the fake-affectionate uncle who molests you at night and knows you don’t dare tell. It turned my stomach and I lifted my lip in a sneer. Falcon knew perfectly well what I thought of him.

“Of course, her performance yesterday left something to be desired.” His fingers flexed and I knew he longed to use those thick yellow nails on me, just as he’d used his teeth before. “Which part of drowning did you not understand?

I twisted my fingers together to keep from fussing with the elaborate updo. “In the final analysis, my instructions were to sink the ships. You know it’s important to me to do exactly as I’m told.”

His lips curled in a silent snarl as he turned his attention back to Rogue. “Regardless. The agreement is ironclad and nonnegotiable. I won her years of service fairly.”

“Those years were a trade with the healer. They don’t truly belong to you.”

“On the contrary, I have performed considerable…services,” he leered at me, “for the sensitive Lady Healer in return. She likes her pain in precise and unusual ways. How is your tit, by the way, Sorceress? Do you still bear my teeth marks? I’d be pleased to renew them, if you beg nicely.”

Rogue glanced at a passing butterfly, lazily observing its bobbing, polka-dotted path. I expected him to yawn with boredom next. I smelled the seething beneath, though, and resigned myself to letting him fix those marks too, though I’d very nearly healed them on my own.

“I suppose then—” Rogue stroked the back of my neck, considering me, “—I could simply buy her from you.”

I clenched my jaw against the protest. Rogue saw it, his lips twitching in amusement. Now who was baiting whom?

“Oh?” Falcon studied his thick curved nails, nearly talons. “I can’t imagine what you could possibly offer that would interest me. No. I think I’ll keep my pet sorceress.” He held out a hand to me. “Come climb on papa’s lap like a good girl.”

I managed to not tell him to go fuck himself and held my tongue. No way I wanted to interfere in this battle between them.

“I’ll offer my services in her stead.”

Falcon’s eyes glittered with true lust now and I recalled how, in the so-called war-planning sessions, he’d complained about wanting Rogue’s abilities.

“You won’t be as decorative, hanging about the camp, but I suppose you could take her place. Why you’d risk this juicy lamb wandering about by herself, however, for just anyone to take a taste of, is beyond me.”

Rogue laughed, deliberately amused at the absurdity. “Don’t be a fool, Falcon. I will win your war for you and the Lady Gwynn and I shall go about our business.”

“GeneralFalcon!” Falcon screeched it, his nails splintering the wood of the arms as he strained forward. “You will show me due respect in this place, Rogue. This war ismyproject and I shall choose how to end it. We have at least five spectacular battles planned and you shall not cheat me of them. You do not dictate to me or I shall feed your little slut to the sea monsters—after I’ve pillaged her every orifice and perhaps some extras I choose to make.”

“Have a care, Falcon.” Rogue’s voice was ice-quiet. “You risk your pledge to me. Perhaps I shall have to pay nothing, if you break your end.”

Falcon writhed in his seat, as if gripped by DTs. None of the fae were exactly sane by human terms, but this behavior seemed especially neurotic. Was it Rogue’s proximity? Now Falcon gripped his temples with clawed fingers, holding himself still.

“Then what?” He ground the words out.

Rogue smiled, ever calm and self-possessed. He stroked my neck and I relaxed a little, not realizing how tense I’d become.

“Five battles, you say? I could possibly assist with those. On an on-call basis.”

“I saidat leastfive.” Falcon seemed calmer now, speculating. “I need to call a meeting of the generals, to determine our exact strategy.”

“Of course.” Rogue inclined his head.