“That would be a no. This one serves its purpose.”

“Mine would be more flirtatious.”

I sighed at the reminder of our terms. “We’ll discuss it tonight and negotiate one that’s mutually satisfactory, okay?”


His magic pulsed, a swirl of blue-black and a hint of mace, and he was fully dressed in black leather, dagger at his hip, black boots gleaming. It was half-court gear, half-armor.

“Got a formal occasion?”

“Yes. As do you.”

“Gosh, I must have forgotten to check my Outlook calendar. Care to enlighten me?”

“Our meeting,” he reminded me in a tone of infinite patience, “with Falcon.”

I felt the little crease between my eyebrows and knew I must be frowning at him. “We have a meeting with Falcon today? Together?”

“You wish to begin your quest immediately, I should think. Even if you don’t—I do.” He sent me a searing look, an erotic reminder of last night’s conversation that made me shiver. “I will help you secure an early departure from Falcon’s service.”

I laced my fingers together, really wishing I didn’t have to pee so badly, and then sealing off that thought so it wouldn’t come true. I was wary of doing anything that might modify the working physiology of my body. He’d outmaneuvered me, yet again. We’d come full circle so that I would be leaving Falcon’s war, just as Rogue had wanted all along. Only now it was dressed up as my idea.

“I need a moment.”

For once, he didn’t argue. Instead he bowed gravely, perhaps acknowledging my realization that he’d neatly won this round.

“I’ll wait for you outside. And I’ll send Starling in. Formal gown, please.”

“Before ten in the morning? I’ve never heard of such a thing!”

He ignored my remark and pushed through the flaps. I dashed for the magic chamber pot behind the screen.

Feeling more human but no less annoyed at myself for falling so neatly into Rogue’s plans, I dressed in the gown Starling had hung up for me. She bustled about discreetly, humming a happy tune while she made up the bed. I brushed out my hair, watching her in the mirror as she smoothed the sheets and pillows affectionately.

“Nothing happened, you know.”

She sent me a bright, beaming smile. “If you say so, Lady Sorceress.”

I contemplated throwing the hairbrush at her. Instead I focused on my “makeup,” magically enhancing the colors of my lips and around my eyes. I still liked the ritual of going back and forth between being made-up and being my natural self. Anything that helped ground me in my normal self was a good thing, I figured, despite Rogue’s snide remarks on limiting habits. “It seems that we may be leaving on our quest sooner rather than later.”

“So Lord Rogue informed me—I’ll send a message to Mother that we’ll be visiting.”

“How do you do that?” The fae didn’t seem to use writing at all, so the business of non-hive-mind communication still presented a mystery.

“Why, via Brownie, of course.”

Of course.

I adjusted the neckline of the green dress so it didn’t dip quite so low. Though Falcon had a weakness for cleavage, and it never hurt to keep him off balance. The scrapes from the rocks looked less angry now, but the bruises had purpled and were tender. Not exactly enticing. Though, given Falcon’s proclivities, the sight of them might turn him on. I decided to leave it as is.

“We should put up your hair.” Starling held out the little vanity chair for me. “Lord Rogue said formal.”

And, of course, we just do everything Lord Rogue wants.I kept the grumpiness to myself, however, and used the time to settle my thoughts into careful blankness. I’d need all the cool serenity I could drum up to survive being in the same room with those two and not end up bargaining my life away.

Starling worked efficiently and soon my hair was in an elaborate coiled braid, like a crown. It also made my scalp ache and I reached up to loosen it a little. She slapped my hand away. “No. Be good.”

I scowled at her. “This better not be a long meeting.”