I narrowed my eyes. “That was awon’t,not acan’t.”

A smile broke through his somber mien, the sun after rain. He squeezed my hand and released it, returning to his dinner.

“Fine. I’ll find out for myself. I still have six years.”

“Careful, bold and foolish Gwynn. You seek to pry into matters far beyond your abilities.”

“You can’t stop me.”

“Can’t I?” He raised that eyebrow at me, twisting the fanged lines on the left side of his face, and popped a bite into his sensuous mouth.

“I’m not without resources. I bested you once, didn’t I?”

“But you couldn’t restore the tree, when I could,” he reminded me in a tone of cool silk.

“That was different.”

“Why?” He took another bite and licked his fingers. I had to yank my gaze away from his glass-edged lips.

“Because…” I shrugged. “I don’t know. You tell me.”

“Your lesson for the day? So be it.” He smiled, wolfish. “This will be fun.”

Chapter 4

In Which I Sleep withRogue

Why do fairies in the stories always want human babies? Possibilities: To raise as their own? To play with? To eat or somehow consume (energy drain)? Consider in terms of exchange—why leave one of their own in a human child’splace?

~Big Book of Fairyland, “Notes for FurtherResearch”

“Tell me howyou felt, when you tried to use your magic.”

Eesh, I really didn’t want to do that. Even thinking about the wild arousal of that moment had me shifting in my chair. I took a cooling sip of wine. “I don’t really recall.”

“Playing coy? Not like you. What are you hoping to hide from me? I need honesty if you want me to teach you.”

“Fine,” I snapped, lacing my fingers together in my lap. I could face this. To learn and grow. “Because I had nothing left after.”

Rogue rose, tossing his black napkin on the table, a flag signaling a new play in the game. He moved behind me and brushed my hair aside, tracing the line of my neck with sensuous fingers. That something in me purred and my nipples hardened under my robe. I sat as still as I could.

“After what?” he murmured, everything in his voice saying that he knew perfectly well.

“Weren’t you there?” Hell if he’d get me to say it.

“Why had you nothing left?”

“Because I used too much power?”

“Try again.” He traced the shell of my ear, sending fluttery petals of pleasure to my groin.



“I can’t think.”