“You fascinate me, Gwynn.” Rogue murmured. “Have I ever told you that? The flow of your thoughts, the quicksilver of your mind, and that crimson passion boiling beneath. Even if I didn’t need you, I would be unable to stay away.”

His lips hovered near mine, wine-dark, so tempting.

“I will make you a deal. No, don’t argue yet. I will visit you daily, for lessons. I’ll teach you what you need to know about Titania. We can work together to track the evolution of your beast. Perhaps I can help you navigate the minefield of it. Working together, Gwynn. Partners. It’s what you said you wanted. It’s a good bargain.”

As he spoke his lips had drifted over my skin, a whisper away from my cheek, my temple, my ear, jaw, throat. Desire shimmered through me.

“Won’t you just tell me the truth?” My voice came out hoarse.

“This is how I can. Trust me on this.”

“It sounds very expensive—what’s the price for such generosity?”

“You know what I want.”

Yes, my firstborn child. Talk about pricey.

His hand slid over my shoulder, down to the small of my back, pressing me to him, his heat and alien heartbeat infusing me. “You can live at the camp, if you insist, but I will visit you at night. I want to share your bed.”

“That’s it?” I tried to focus, searching out the loopholes. “The other rules remain in place? No hanky-panky under the clothes, etcetera.” In one of my rare, proud moments, I’d managed to outwit Rogue. I’d let him think he’d maneuvered me into flirting with him, which meant acting like I was attracted to him—not difficult, unfortunately—and allowing one-handed physical contact over the clothes, to all publicly accessible skin. It strained my willpower, but prevented him from impregnating me. Apparently all of those religious groups who insisted on full-coverage clothing for women were on to something after all.

“That’s it. I won’t take you until you beg me to.”

“That will never happen.”

He smiled. “Never is a very long time, succulent Gwynn. Six years is much shorter.”

I sighed for the truth of that. “Okay, I agree to the terms as stated.”

“One more thing.”

I braced myself. Here it came now.

“I want a kiss.”

“Now?” The beach remained empty, cleared by Titania’s fearsome presence.

“Now and at least once a day going forward, at the time of my choosing. Though you may always freely offer more.”

“What’s my incentive? We already have a deal.”

“I have not put my agreement to it. I want this perk.”

“What kind of a kiss? How long?” I knew better than to leave this to chance. He’d kissed me twice before, both passionate, long and completely devastating kisses. I would not be getting away with chaste pecks.

His eyes glittered. “Will you set parameters even on a kiss?”

“Absolutely. As you said, I’m not stupid.”

“How do you propose to quantify it?”

“It’s your kiss—give me some options.”

“Ourkiss,” he qualified.

I squinted to keep from rolling my eyes. He hated when I did that, said it wasn’t flirtatious, which I suppose was valid. “We will set a time limit.”

He considered. “I will say when the time is up.”