“Esteemed Lord Rogue,” she breathed, “you honor us with your presence.”

Rogue cocked an eyebrow at me, as if to point out the difference in our behaviors. Then turned his back to me to survey the blonde fairy. “Wine, lovely little girl,” he told her.

She poured some and walked on dancing feet to him, curls bouncing, head cocked coyly. She presented him the goblet from a deep curtsey, head bowed. When he took it from her, she shivered. I grabbed an apple-like fruit and bit in, trying not to roll my eyes.

Dragonfly remained folded at Rogue’s feet, a tumble of gilded pink against the stark black lines of him.

“Is there anything else I can do for you, esteemed lord? Anything at all?” she breathed, looking up at him, her mouth conveniently close to his groin.

Rogue glanced at me, direct blue smolder.Ah. A new game commences.Oh no, I wouldn’t bite on this one.

“Hey,mi casa es su casa,apparently. If you want to molest the help, who am I to naysay you?”

Rogue thoughtfully fingered the midnight velvet at his waist while he sipped his wine, as if contemplating opening what passed for his fly. Dragonfly trembled in anticipation, visibly heating under his intense regard.

“I do find myself in need of relief. Something you are unwilling to give me,” he murmured.

“I thought that was Nasty Tinker Bell’s job,” I shot back.

He looked momentarily puzzled, then laughed. “No, Lady Incandescence serves me in other ways, nothing so pleasurable for her.”

“Are you so sure it would be?”

His face sharpened, gaze pinning me. “You have no idea what I’m offering you.”

“I do,” Dragonfly chimed in and he caressed her curls.

“Well, then,” I said in a bright voice, “I’ll just leave you two alone then, shall I?”

“You don’t want to watch?” Rogue sipped from his wine, watching me over the rim, even as Dragonfly reached up with her delicate fingers to undo the fabric covering that hard ridge I’d touched last night.

“Golly, gee whiz, what a neat idea, but no—I’ll pass.” I turned around and looked for some shoes. I was tempted to call Dragonfly to find them, but that would be petty.

“You do realize, darling Gwynn, that if you continue your games, I can always go elsewhere. Where will you go?”

“There are other men.” I scrambled around in my wardrobe.God, not the heels right now.

“If you conceive by another man—and you would, given what Healer has done for you—you would be in violation of our agreement.”

“So noted.” I found my shoes, laid them out with one hand and stepped into them, still holding my apple in the other, juices running down my arm. Then I paused. “No, wait. This ismytent. You two can go elsewhere.”

“I am…otherwise occupied at the moment.”

His voice was a taunt to make me look, but I refused to turn around. I bit again into the fruit, crunching loudly so I couldn’t hear any potential…noises. The image in my head was vivid enough. Dark blood suffusing his face with pleasure, the tension riding his body. And I had to admit, if only to myself, that I burned with curiosity—and not a little prurience—to see what his organ looked like. I’d only ever seen circumcised men in the flesh and I doubted that the covenant of Abraham had made it here. For all I knew, Rogue had a forked penis, being the snake he was. I was pissed enough to deliberately leak the thought.

Rogue chuckled, then groaned in pleasure, leaking back an image to me of Dragonfly’s adorable upturned face. Unable to stand it, I stormed out of the tent, nearly bowling Larch over. For once, I was glad of the training—the torments they dreamed up if I allowed anything magical to manifest to defend myself. I could feel that cool barrier even now, between the anger—nothurt—and the manifestation.

I would control myself.

No matter how much I wanted to be not just the witch-queen but also the black and purple dragon on the cliff, calling lightning strikes down.

Chapter 24

In Which I’m Shown a Thing or Two

Istrode fast,strong, out of that dammed camp, ignoring the startled and titillated looks thrown my way. I headed toward the waterfall I’d seen when we rode in, toward green, which had always been my refuge. Not like me—the former me—not to wander out to see the natural.