“I wouldn’t do that,” Rogue breathed in my ear.
Proud of myself for not startling, I refused to look at him, knowing his face was right over my shoulder. The scent of cinnamon and sandalwood teased along my cheek.
“Why not?”
“His life is linked to it now. Without it, he’ll die in truth.”
A dry sob suddenly escaped me. I clamped down, digging my fingers into Darling’s fur.
“He’s not dead then?”
“Death wears many faces.”
I spun around to face him. Then stepped back, he loomed so closely over me. “Can you heal him?”
“What are you willing to give me?”
Nothing without a price. I stared at him, the green ribbon from my dreams flashing through my mind. From the sapphire flare in Rogue’s eyes, I knew he caught it.
Rogue cocked his head at me in acknowledgement, the long tail of his inky hair sliding over one shoulder.
“No.” But it came out a whisper.
“Then what?”
“This isn’t some kind of game of sex and power! We can flirt all you want after you deal with Darling.”
“I accept your bargain.”
Damn, damn and damn.
“And, lovely Gwynn—” Rogue trailed an elegant finger down my cheek, “—everything is a game of sex and power.”
I tried to compose myself. It didn’t pay to lose my temper. I slowly and pointedly removed his finger.
“I believe we just agreed to after we deal with Darling?” I was pleased with my arch tone. “Wouldn’t want to violate the bargain, would you?”
Rogue sighed elaborately. “Falcon gave you a pre-set trap. As soon as you invoke magic, it…grabs you. Not death, but not life either.”
“Some kind of stasis.”
He nodded thoughtfully.
“But Darling wasn’t with the wounded, what magic would he have invoked?”
“I thought you gave permission for him to facilitate the dancing?”
“What does dancing have to do with it?”
Rogue rolled his eyes dramatically and reached up to flick a long finger against the drying lily over the bench. We both watched it spin, its dusky indigos undiminished, a sweet crumbling scent wafting out with its movement. I tore my gaze away from it to find Rogue eyeing me, eyes glinting darkly.
“Despite your innovative little tricks, there is much you don’t understand.”
“No argument there.”
“Lord Darling’s gift is to offer freedom from pain, you do remember that?”
“Yes.” I was being patient.