I lingered on the outskirts of the group. A few of my dinner companions, now with full entourages, milled about. They were predictably jolly, busily congratulating one another on the upcoming conflict and their fine uniforms. Their pages’ and horses’ outfits expanded upon the uniform themes,ad infinitum,ad nauseum. You haven’t seen fashion risk until you’ve seen a horse dressed in navy blue with little silver sailing ships.

“We should have dressed you and my horse in basic black,” I muttered to Larch.

“It shall be done, my lady.”

“I was kidding,” I said. “I’m not sure embroidered cotton and spaghetti straps are your thing, anyway. Plus, Ann Taylor would probably find a horse-plume too fussy.” Larch gave me his politely confused look. “Besides, wouldn’t too much black align me with Lord Rogue?” Shit—careless of me.

“Why would you mind that, lady?” Larch seemed taken aback.

“Um, because I’m not his ally, and consider him a mortal enemy, in fact?”

“You will want to rethink that position, Lady Sorceress,” Larch advised, not looking at me. “You are only on loan to Lord Falcon and Lord Puck. You fundamentally belong to Lord Rogue, no matter what color or collar you wear.”

I clenched my teeth. “I do notbelongto Rogue.”

“When he claims you six years and some days from now, willing, enthralled, bespelled or enchained, to bear his child, you might find yourself disabused of that notion.”

I studied Larch, somewhat startled by his frank response after all the servile posturing. One of these days I’d stop being surprised that everyone seemed to know everything about me.Never underestimate a hive mind and how information is shared.

“What if he can’t find me?”

“Are we speaking of the same Lord Rogue, my lady?” Larch returned.

Good point.

“What if I refuse? I can fight him. I’ve learned a great deal.”

He looked vaguely shocked but pursed his lips in due consideration. Finally he said, “Surely, my lady sorceress, even in your land there are penalties for those who fail to meet the terms of their bargains.”

“Well, not so much,” I said, thinking of bankruptcy court.

“A strange land, indeed. Here a debt must be honored. You’ll find you have no choice. Learn to wield your abilities—there lies your power. And remember that all must keep their promises to you, as well.”

I considered him. Felicity stamped and blew at the bit, anxious to get going, but Larch, a sixteenth of her size, held her easily.

“Whose side are you on?”

“Since I serve both you and Lord Rogue, I need not take sides.”

Ha to that.

“You said six years and some days from now—does that mean you know exactly when my seven years are up?”

Larch nodded, grave as always.

“Is there some way for me to track it?”

“I believe Lord Rogue will inform my lady sorceress of the appropriate day.”

I unclenched my teeth. “Before that. So I know how much time I have left?”

To plan accordingly.

An image slid into my mind of six large topazes, four smaller topazes and fifteen small stones, more pale than bronze. I looked in surprise over my shoulder at Darling. “How do you know?”

“Heisyour Familiar, my lady.”

Darling blinked fondly at me, again showing me the young man with an armload of roses.