Drowning in the volcanic tide, I was filled with Rogue. My heart swelled, pounding through me, burning through the sky in supernova.

On a crescendo of longing, I wished for him to live.

And collapsed into darkness.

Chapter 36

In Which It Rains

Iawoke inRogue’s arms.

Dawn was breaking in a gray light. A misting rain fell over us, where we lay on the sand, wrapped in his cloak.

Rogue gazed at me, eyes quiet. The black pattern spiked over the left side of his face in more branches, more complex swirls, a thicket of blackthorn twining around his exotic indigo eye. But it seemed docile again, still and quiet. No longer feral. I trailed my fingers over it and felt only his skin.

Then I raised my hand to see no cord bound my wrist.

He raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to ask the question. Unaccountably, I blushed. Did he remember it all?

“What now?” I asked, instead.

“Whatever you wish for, beautiful Gwynn.”

“I’ve learned to be careful of that.”

“And in this case?”

“I think I don’t know what to wish for.”

“Wish for simple things. That’s best.”

Rogue shrugged and sat up. I shivered, bereft of his cloak and warm presence. The sodden dress still barely clung to me. He uncoiled to his feet and held a long hand down to me, just as he had under the dryad’s tree. I slid my hand into his, trying not to think of how those elegant fingers had driven into me. Then and in the dream last night.

Tried not to think about how much I wanted all of him inside me.

“Dreams are just a different reality, lovely Gwynn. You should understand that by now.”

“But our bargain…”

“Valid still.” His lips twisted. “You are still safe from having my child. For the moment. Or until you change your mind.”

I wrapped my clammy arms around myself.

“Allow me.” With a flourish, Rogue produced a dark cloak out of thin air and wrapped it around my shoulders. The cords on it were knotted green silk.

I studied the shockingly gorgeous planes of his face, the dianthus-edge of his lips. The inky lines on the patterned side of his face seemed as if they could run in the rain.

“Why?” I finally asked him.

He sighed. Taking my hand, he drew me beside him. We walked along the sand, the soft rain falling, the surf quiet. The beach curved around the grassy bluff, disappearing in the mist. I felt curiously at peace, despite it all. As if we might head back to a cozy home soon and settle in with a glass of wine before the fire.

“You gave me the gift of your trust last night.”

“Did I?”

Rogue glanced at me and wrapped his fingers around my wrist. I shuddered and he smiled.