“A memento for you. To remember me by.” Titania stopped smiling. “Or do you require further explanations?”

I shook my head, too horrified to answer. Dragonfly sagged in Titania’s lap, held up by one spidery arm while Titania licked her fingers clean of the yellow ooze.

“I’ll see you soon, Sorceress.”

And she was gone.

Chapter 31

In Which I Fight a Couple of Battles of My Own

Starling awakened mein the pre-dawn darkness for the battle, ready with my black dress and heels, along with some kind of eggs for us to eat. The heels were still in stiletto mode, but they matched my mood so I left them that way. We perched on the pillows, cross-legged, eating in silence.

“Starling—I’m sorry about yesterday.”

“Don’t discussher.”

After Titania vanished, the camp had immediately returned to its usual level of hilarity. Starling nattered on about nothing. Even Darling refused to discuss what had happened, distracting me by attacking the yellow rubber ducky instead. I didn’t blame them, really, but I found their denial disconcerting.

“No, I know you won’t talk about that. I meant, mostly, about Rogue and what I said. I’m sorry if I was abrupt with you.”

Starling shook her head at me, her hair pink in the pillow light. “Gwynn, this isn’t about me. It’s you I’m worried about. Especially now.”

“Well then,” I answered brightly, standing up, “we have no problems because I am perfectly fine.” I would be fine, too. I was sorry for them, living under an onus like Titania’s, but this was not my world. More than ever, I wanted out of this insane place.

Larch met me with Felicity outside the tent and she snorted at me in greeting. I stroked her silky white mane, pleased to see her, too. Darling was already waiting on the traveling pad.

“No armor this time?”

He flicked his tail at me and looked away.

Starling handed me my stick and dagger to strap to the saddle. Liam didn’t trust me not to slice myself open with the sun-and-moon wheels yet, so those were staying behind.

“I’ll see you at the victory feast tonight,” she said.

“There’s already a victory feast planned? What if we lose?”

Starling and Larch laughed. Silly me.

“General Falcon wants the camp moved to the front and then everyone will celebrate the advance tonight,” Larch put in. “They’re setting up special tents for everyone. We’re to be there in armor, with evidence of glorious battle upon us.”


“You guys have to move all this stuff in one day?” Now I kind of felt bad that I’d created and accumulated so much stuff. “I could poof some of it.”

“It’ll be fine, Lady Sorceress,” Starling said.

“Be careful with the dragon’s blood—both the vial and that residue. I’m still not sure if it’s toxic or what.”

“Don’t worry.”

“Maybe I should put my grimoire in my saddlebags?”

“Lady Sorceress Gwynn, we’ll handle it.” Now Starling sounded more like her usual brisk self. “This is our job—now go do yours.”

“Um—about those wings.”