“Good morning, General Falcon.”

“I trust you’re planning to abide by instructions today?”

Ulp. Oh yes, indeed.

“To the best of my ability, General.”

He gave me a narrow look, so I knew my uncertainty had leaked through my careful wording.

“Very well, then.” Falcon turned his horse and the nobles parted, all watching me with great interest. I moved Felicity up next to Falcon at his pointed glance. Our group sat on the edge of a bluff. Golden fields spread out below, bordered by scrubby brush here and there. In the distance glimmered the sea, dazzling aquamarine.

The enemy streamed into the plain below, obediently lining up for the coming conflict. I didn’t see our men, but thought they must be coming around from the side somewhere.

“Push them to the sea, Lady Gwynn.”

I glanced obliquely at Falcon. His craggy profile pointed to the distant water.

“Push them?”

“To the sea.”

And he turned his horse to rejoin the rest of the nobles, a spectator’s distance back, leaving me at the edge of the bluff. Even Larch stood back with them. Apparently I didn’t need much protecting at the moment.

So much for all those spells I’d planned for blinding, frightening or otherwise quelling the enemy.

I studied the army filling the plain.

How to move them? Preferably without bringing on the dragons.

“Lady Sorceress Gwynn! I shall never get my naval battle at this rate—could you hurry it up?”

“She’s baffled. We should bring in my monsters. That will move this army.”

“Perhaps we should break out lunch? Have our picnic now while we wait?”

Ah, my fan club’s voices behind me.

“Lady Gwynn.” There was Falcon’s malicious drawl. “Are you reneging on our agreement?”

Shit, shit, shit.

This was like the bad dream, where you were taking an exam and hadn’t gone to class for the entire semester. Felicity stamped restlessly, huffing into her bit. Darling sent me a picture of me as a blank-eyed idiot.

“Lady Gwynn?”

“Just working out some of the subtleties of the spell—it requires concentration.”

“All hold silent while the Powerful Sorceress Gwynn works her magic!” Larch’s surprising baritone rang out.

They all subsided. Even Felicity.Thank you, Larch.

If only I could make the opposing army want to go so easily.

Okay,think.Push, Falcon had said, but pulling could work, too. What could pull them to the sea?

Darling pictured a mermaid. Never mind that he thought about chomping into her fishy tail.

Sirens. The irresistible lure. Of course they had mermaids here. They had everything else from every story I’d ever read. I rubbed Darling’s ears and he purred. But were they inthisocean? Darling mentally shrugged and washed a paw, wondering if they tasted more like fish or girl.