Page 68 of Daughter of Secrets

“Hopefully nothing. I’ll call you later.” He ended the call before she could say anything. He quickly changed gears and urged the car back up the road. All he could think of was Olivia. He tried to keep the bad thoughts at bay—it was a long drive back up to the castle—but his heart betrayed him, thumping so hard against his chest it almost hurt.

What are you up to, Elena?


Olivia set off with Mihai and Elena. The woods were as silent as usual, the fog thick, and the leaves on the ground just as dry as they’d been the day before. Birds screeched in the sky, which was blocked by the thick, dark branches of the trees stretching high above.

They’d been walking for a while when Elena suddenly gasped and held her chest.

“Are you all right?” Olivia asked and went over to her.

“I . . .” Elena sighed and shook her head. “I think I just need to take a little rest here, on this rock. My old bones don’t keep up as well as I thought they would.”

Mihai stepped forward and looked at Olivia. “The place where the bear attacked should be just around the corner. Is that right, Olivia?”

She nodded. “Yes, I think so.” She pointed down the path. “It was right after that dead tree over there.”

“Good.” He turned to Elena. “Just rest here and scream if you see a bear.” He tapped his hand against the rifle resting against his shoulder. “I’ll scare it off. Just try to run my way.”

“Yes,” Elena panted, out of breath. “I . . . will . . . scream for you . . . then run your way.” She huffed and fanned herself as she leaned against the large rock. Olivia felt terrible. She shouldn’t be the one left alone. If a bear turned up, she couldn’t even run—unlike Olivia who was young and healthy. Not that it was the best strategy, but still.

Olivia shook her head. “It would be better if Mihai stays here with you, Elena. It’s just around the corner, as you said. I can do a quick run and be right back.

“Are you sure?” Elena sounded concerned.

“Yes. I also have my phone on me. The horn app worked before. It’ll work again.”

“Good. Hurry then so I don’t have to worry about you too much,” Elena said.

Olivia turned and walked alone down the foggy path.

It’s nothing, right? Just some creepy woods. Nothing to it. And you have your phone.

She exhaled and tried to look calm, yet she couldn’t stop her hand from clenching her phone, the app opened and ready to do its thing.

“All right,” she mumbled to herself as she passed the dead tree.

I wonder if I should just play the sounds now. That should keep the bears away, right?She thought about it and shook her head as she kept walking.Maybe that’s a bad idea. What if it makes them feel threatened?

The familiar crumbled grey walls of the village’s stone buildings appeared through the lines of trees in the distance. Olivia made sure she checked the path she was on, memorizing the trail and the trees around it. Mihai and Elena weren’t that far, but she still wanted to have a quick way out just in case. Suddenly her foot kicked against a tin can. She looked down. Another cat-food can.This was the spot!

Her eyes widened as she recognized a patch of grass and a tree stump up ahead. She ran to it and started her search, bending over and parting grass with her foot to scan for a silver shimmer. Nothing. She sighed and directed her attention to another area when she suddenly heard the snapping of a branch behind her.

She turned around, her phone shaking in her hand. But it was just Mihai standing behind her.

“Oh, thank God, it’s just you.” She smiled nervously. “For a moment I thought it was another bear.”

She didn’t notice the hand hidden behind him until he brought it out and took a quick step toward her. A rush of adrenaline shot through her veins—the cold tingle of fear. But it was too late. The last thing she saw was the rock as he struck her with it—a heavy grunt, a loud thud, and everything went black.


The van had barely stopped moving when Christian jumped out of it. He pushed through the gate and stormed across the courtyard and into the entrance hall of the castle.



He glanced around, fuming, then heard Alina’s cries from the library. He found her sitting on a couch next to the fireplace, crying. He ran up to her and grabbed her arms. She looked up at him, sniffling and wiping her tear-stained, swollen face.