Page 61 of Daughter of Secrets


“You can’t sleep on the floor with your wound. Take the bed instead.”

He shook his head. “I can’t let you sleep on the floor.”

“Then we’ll both sleep on the bed so nobody sleeps on the floor,” she said.

He lay still as if expecting her to say she was kidding. But she didn’t.

“All right then,” Olivia mumbled and grabbed a pillow, making her way to the floor. “Then we’ll both sleep on the floor.”

“Okay, okay.” He sighed as he stood up. “You are one stubborn lady.”

She smiled. “Maybe. No one’s ever told me that before.”

He rose and stared at her. “Well . . . Here I am telling you now. You are one stubborn lady.” He held her gaze a moment longer then tossed the pillow on the bed. “And stubborn is kinda cute,” he added and stretched out on the bed. Olivia laid down on her side of the bed, her heart thumping fast.

They both lay at opposite edges, a considerable space in between them. Olivia turned the nightlamp on her nightstand off. Now, the only light in the bedroom came from the crackling fireplace. A clock ticked somewhere in the room.

It’s funny how you focus on these tiny sounds when you can’t sleep, Olivia thought: the crackling wood in the fireplace, clothes ruffling, tiny movements, deep breaths. She wondered what Christian was thinking. She could picture his perfect body next to her. So close.

She tapped her fingers together and nibbled her lip as she tried to think of something to say.

“Are you sleeping?” she asked. Her voice was soft in the quiet room. When he didn’t respond, she felt a momentary disappointment. Then his voice cut in.

“No. Can’t sleep.”

She bit her lip again, feeling a fluttering in her stomach. She turned toward him. “Why can’t you sleep?”

“Could you please not look at me? Please turn around again,” he said, and she shivered, feeling those butterflies inside her stomach.

His words in her head spiraled out of control. Why didn’t he want her to look at him? Was he attracted to her? Did he long for her the way she longed for his touch? Impossible! Just look at him! What would someone like him want with someone like me? Her sadness was numbing.

“I know you’re worried I think you might make a move on me,” she whispered and turned away. “Don’t worry. I don’t. I know I’m not the sort of woman that could—”

Before she could say anything else, she felt that ruffle of sheets and when she turned around, she saw he was right next to her. She held her breath, feeling the heat of his body next to hers. Her heart thumped out of control as a tingling sensation rushing through every inch of her body. She felt paralyzed.

He leaned forward, closing the remaining gap between them, and their lips touched. His lips were soft on hers.

“You kidding?” he said, pulling away for a moment. “You’re all I’ve thought about since we met.”

She could feel his breath between those whispers and shuddered, her body burning from desire. They kissed, their bodies rubbing against each other—the soft sounds of their lips, the muffled moans, and the gentle ruffling of clothes.

His hand found her face, gently stroked her cheek as he broke the kiss.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asked, looking into her eyes. She looked back into his and leaned closer.

“I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything this much,” she replied with half-shut eyes. Her heart was drumming in her ears as the heat of her body burned her skin. There was no denying the flames she felt tearing through her body, and the longing swirling deep inside her. She craved him, more than anything else in her life, more than all that money, and that was all she knew.

She bit her lip, moving closer to him, inch by inch, until their lips touched again. That was all it took, the permission he had asked for.

The sheets ruffled as their hands moved to shuffle out of their clothing.

“Ouch!” Christian winced when her hand touched his upper arm.

“Sorry,” she said.

He slid his hand to her lower back, pulling her closer. “It’s fine,” he whispered into her ear and gently nibbled on it, kissing and flicking the lobe with his tongue. She shuddered and pressed herself into him, her head low as he helped her slip out of her shirt and pull her pants down over her ankles.