Page 26 of Daughter of Secrets

Glancing at the flickering headlights and the stretch of dark road, she realized they might look like a couple of suspicious individuals. Of course people would think it was a trick to rob them. Less than a few hours ago, she too had been almost robbed at the airport, so she shut her mouth without giving him an answer.

“Besides, it could have been ashein there, you know,” he said in mock offense. He was probably trying to make her laugh. She gave a sad little chuckle before sighing deeply.

“It’s getting really cold.”

“I have a blanket,” he said and went around the van. He pulled out her luggage and opened the front door and fiddled with something behind the wheel until the headlights went off. Then he produced that blanket from one of the back seats and grabbed the yellow luggage, which balanced easily in his left hand.

“We have two options.” He handed her the thick, wool blanket. She threw it over her shoulders. It felt rough and heavy against her neck.

“One, we stay in the van overnight.”

Olivia narrowed her eyes as he smiled, gesturing for her to hold on.

“Option two, we walk to the next village. It’s an hour down the road.”

“Why can’t you go into town while I wait?”

“I can’t leave you out here alone at night in the dark.”

She glanced at the black shadows of the woods. Did something move? She shivered and nodded in agreement.

“I guess we’ll have to walk into town then.”

“As you wish, Miss Carter.”

She looked up and felt that skip in her chest again when she saw him staring at her.

“Well let’s get going already.” She reached for her luggage.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” He flashed her a smile, but she remained emotionless and turned around. Christian shrugged and followed her, bag in hand.

The rocks crunched under their feet as they started their walk along the road toward the small village. Olivia buried her chin into the scratchy blanket when a draft of cold wind blew across her face. From behind her, she could practically feel Christian watching her. She turned around to look at him and saw him taking off his jacket.

“You seem cold,” he said and offered her the jacket.

“I’m fine. I have the blanket.”

“You sure?”

“I can manage, trust me.”

He nodded and put his jacket back on. She could tell he was holding back from insisting. She thought about wrapping his jacket around her, having his scent on her body.No, I definitely don’t need that.

Olivia took out her phone and tapped on the Maps icon. The connection wasn’t strong; it took the application forever to load.

“Not enough faith in your guide? I know where we are.” Christian said.

“Just curious about the area, that’s all.”

“Iama tour guide, you know. Answering questions about the area is literally my job.”

“Fine.” She closed the map but turned on her phone’s flashlight. “Tell me about this place.”

“With pleasure.” His eagerness seemed genuine. “There’s actually a lot of history in this area.”

“Is that so?”

“Yup, very much so. As a matter of fact, we’re not too far from Transylvania, our destination.”