Page 46 of Back to You

“No. I don’t want your house.” When the woman scowled at her, Vivian’s anger started to come through. “I wouldn’t step in that house if you paid me. It’s all yours, bad vibes and all.”

And without even feeling bad about it, she turned and stormed back up the street.

She was just storming everywhere today. So she went to the one place she knew she’d be safe.

Lyra’s bakery.

Starlight Cupcake was rocking, so she circled behind the counter, took two cupcakes, and went and sat at the table in the kitchen area Lyra kept for herself.

On a pass by, Lyra plopped a glass of iced tea in front of her, dropped a kiss on her cheek, and kept going.

Ten minutes later, Skye showed up.

She sat down, cup of coffee in hand, and just sipped away, not saying a word.

Finally, she spoke up. “Lyra’s better at this stuff.”

Vivian finally broke out of her own mind. “No. It’s nice just having you here. You always settle me. You have a…” She waved her hand around, looking for the right word. “I don’t know. I’m not a woo-woo person, but you have an energy about you that makes me feel safe and calm.”

Skye looked down into her coffee and smiled.

“Tell me about you and Cam.” She said it as a gentle directive, like this was an interview, instead of asking Vi if she’d like to tell her.

“Cam is… a great guy. Like, one of the best, right?” she asked, half hoping Skye would say,Well, actually…

“Yes. I’ve always found him kind and dependable.”

Vivian smiled. High praise from Skye.


“I guess that’s the thing. I couldn’t depend on him. He let me down. I get it.” She waved a hand as if Skye was going to interrupt her like anyone else would have. “He was being stupid, we were sixteen, he expected to get back together, etcetera, etcetera.”

Skye nodded and sipped her coffee, all patience.

“But then, after everyone found out I was pregnant, still nothing. And then my mom shipped me off to that home and still nothing.” Vivian felt like crying. She’d needed her best friend. She’d loved him so much, but he’d been her best friend too.

“So, you’re angry with him?”

“No. I mean, I get it.”

“Right. We can understand stuff and still be angry.” Skye took the cookie Lyra set in front of her as she rushed by, broke it in half, and slid part over to Vivian.

“What should he have done?” Skye asked, completely non-judgmentally.

“I don’t know. Maybe even just come fight with me, show me he cared a little. Show me he wasthere.”Vivian burst into tears over something she hadn’t cried over in years. “He wasn’t even there.”

“So are you afraid he wouldn’t be there now?”

Lyra rushed through and pulled the oven door open. “Everything okay in here?” She looked at Vivian and tried to give her a smile.

Skye waved her away.

“No. I mean. I don’t think so. Like you said, he’s the most dependable man I know.”

“But still…?”

“Right, but still. How do you forget something that was so pivotal not just to your relationship but to your whole life? He didnothing.”