Page 12 of Back to You

Lyra put her tea down and pushed it aside, leaning across the table. “Spence is convinced Cam is still in love with you and he’s going to woo you and win you back like some knight of old.”

Vi closed her eyes and leaned back, trying to ignore the goose bumps that ran down her arm.

Of course everyone would see it but her. She’d been so busy trying to block him out that she wouldn’t notice any ideas he might have been getting.

It made sense though. Cam was a competitive sort and a romantic. You put those together and the fact he’d broken up with her in high school—and everything that came after that—of course he’d feel a deep and lasting need to win her back. In his mind, to put things right.

It didn’t mean anything really, but she wasn’t going to play it through.

His parents had basically met in the womb and had the perfect marriage.

And were just plain awesome anyway.

Across the table, Lyra cleared her throat.

“He’s not,” Vivian finally said. “Or at least he’s not in the way I’m sure Mr. Romantic thinks he is. Dude was born in the wrong century.”

“Seeing as I was an eyewitness to both of you in your teen years in this very century”—Lyra cocked an eyebrow at her—“I’m going to have to strongly disagree with everything you just said.”

“I didn’t come here to get lectured about my love life—”

“Lack of.”

“I came here to get sustenance to deal with that hot wreck they’re taking pictures of behind town hall before I haul it back to my place. Youknowthis is going to turn into A Thing.”

Lyra nodded. That’s why she’d put out not one, but two muffins. Even if it killed her a little that Vivian could eat all she wanted and she could only taste her own creations.

“Let’s be honest, it already is. If I hadn’t promised Spence I’d stay off social media and all things that allow any type of comments while he was out of town, I’d be all over the place watching the insanity.”

Just as she finished, the door burst open and one of the Proctor twins rushed in. “OH MY GOSH! Did you hear?”

She knew it had to be Kelsey because she was the twin trying to win her job back after getting let go for what was technically job abandonment—and not so technically Lyra being just done with her mother.

As soon as she saw Vivian, her face fell. “Well, I guess you have.”

Instead of giving up, she walked in and joined them at the table. “Ms. Vi, any comment?” she asked, as she pulled out her phone.


“Yeah.” Kelsey perked up, a bright smile on her face. “I’m trying to get a top spot atTheStarlighterthis fall, and if I can get the scoop from you before anyone else, maybe that will put me ahead of Brian.”

Vivian struggled because she was all about girl power, but she didn’t have anything currently quotable for the high school paper.

“Okay, how ’bout this?” Vivian glanced in Lyra’s direction, ignoring the complete amusement on her face. “At this time, expert engine technician—”

“Oh, that’s good.” Lyra laughed as she watched Kelsey type as quickly as possible.

“Thank you. Technician,” she continued, ”Vivian Breck cannot give a specific diagnosis of the sleigh’s mechanical issues until a time when she can examine it in depth. But she can confirm there was some level of damage done to the town sleigh this morning. The town manager’s office is visually recording the damage before handing the sleigh over to have the engine reviewed.”

“That sounds very professional.” Lyra wiggled her brows at her.

“Ms. Vi, would you mind if I follow up with you later? I’m going to do a preliminary post on my Facebook page.”

“Of course. Come on over and I’ll give you whatever I’m at liberty to.”

“Awesome!” Kelsey made a bunch of notes before looking up again. “Do you think the town manager will give me a statement?”

Lyra snorted and Vivian couldn’t help but snort on the inside.