Page 82 of Birthday Portrait

“Yes, mo chroi,” he said, his voice husky.

There was no possible way for Georgie to deny what she was seeing with her own eyes. Ryan loved her. He thought she was beautiful. So incredibly beautiful. More tears spilled over, slipping down her cheeks. She turned into Ryan when he dragged her against him, burying her head in his chest. Let out a sob when she felt his arms around her. He stroked her back gently while she cried. Cried cleansing tears, letting go of all the pain she’d felt for the past few days. But also the pain of the years she’d spent alone, believing that she’d never love or be loved. When she was done, she raised her head to look at him. Cupped his face in her hands. “I’m so sorry. I should have talked to you.”

“Aye, you should have,” he replied. “It would have saved us both a world of hurt. Because it hurt you, didn’t it, Georgie?”

“Yes, it did. A lot. But I wouldn’t have believed you if you’d just told me.”

“But you believe me now?”


“And what is it that you believe? Let’s have no more doubt between us.”

“That you see me, Ryan. All of me. And that you love me.”

His eyes shining, he said, “Aye. I love you. All of you.”

She smiled then as joy bloomed inside her. “I love you, too.” Standing on tiptoe, she brushed a kiss to his lips. “So much.” Then she wrapped her arms around his neck, sighed when she felt his arms tighten around her. Making no effort to move out of the circle of his arms, she said, “I should probably get back.”

“Not yet,” Ryan replied, still holding her while he pulled a dining chair out and sat down, pulling her into his lap.

“Okay.” Georgie curled into him, let her head fall to his shoulder, breathed him in.

He stroked her back, her hair, down her arm to her fingers. Just a loving, gentle touch. Finally, he said, “Happy birthday, by the way.”

“Thank you,” she replied with a chuckle. She raised her head to look at him. “This is the best birthday present ever. But you haven’t kissed me yet.” With one arm still around her waist, Ryan hooked a finger under her chin, pressed a kiss to her smiling lips. She deepened the kiss, opening her lips for him, pressing herself against him when their tongues entwined. The idea that she could do this, have this, every day for the rest of her life was utterly miraculous. Finally breaking the kiss, she said, “I do really need to get back. Everyone will be there now and I haven’t set up anything.” Standing up, she pulled Ryan with her. “You’ll come home with me.” She said it as a statement, not a question.

“Aye, I will. And you’ll marry me.” There was no question here, either.

“Aye, I will.” Georgie put her hand over her heart, where it thudded heavily. “And we’ll have a baby right away.”

He stared at her for a long moment, emotions storming in his eyes. “Aye, we will,” he replied, his voice thick. Cupping her face in his hands, he dropped his forehead to hers. “I love you, Georgie May.”

“I love you, too.”

“Let’s go home.”

“Let’s.” Georgie rewrapped the painting in the brown paper, carrying it carefully as she followed Ryan out the door and up the track. “We’ll get your car later,” he said, throwing his suitcase in the trunk of his car.

“Alright.” Georgie didn’t want to be away from him, either. He took her hand in his when they were both seated, pressed a kiss to her palm. Georgie sighed. This. She would never get sick of this, she thought as he steered the car down the hill, away from the Lighthouse. They turned into the car park and seeing all the cars parked in front of her house, she said, “I guess I’ll just have to set up in front of them.”

“They won’t mind.”

“No. At least Brandon’s already let them in, by the looks.” Getting out of the car, she waited for Ryan to join her before walking up the stairs and through the front door. She could hear talking and laughter floating through the house from the back garden. “I’ll just put this in our bedroom,” she said, loving the flare she saw in his eyes when she called it their bedroom. Hurrying back from the bedroom, she gave Ryan a quick kiss. “I love you,” she said again, just because she could.

“I love you, too.”

She slipped her hand in his and went out to celebrate her birthday. “Oh, Bran, you didn’t!” She exclaimed. Balloons and streamers littered the yard and a trestle table was piled high with all the food she’d made.

“I did,” he replied, coming towards her with a meaningful glance at Ryan. “I saw you go out and I wasn’t sure how long you’d be, so I thought I’d better get it done.”

“Thank you so much,” she said, giving him a hug.

“All good?” he asked quietly, for her ears alone.

“All amazing,” she said, just as softly. He gave her a squeeze before pulling back so everyone else could greet her.

“So, I was thinking of heading to Genoa tomorrow,” Mikayla said, once everyone was seated with plates of food in hand.