Page 50 of Birthday Portrait

“Wait. Stop,” Georgie said breathlessly. Ryan pulled his hand away and Georgie turned around, looking up at him in the dim light. She felt like she was walking on a tightrope high in the sky and that she could barely keep her balance. She wanted, desperately, to push him away and pull him closer at the same time. She gave into the second feeling, pushing her fingers into his hair and pulling his head down so she could kiss him. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him and kissing her hungrily. Georgie couldn’t get enough of it. His tongue, his hands, his scent. Still holding her, Ryan took a step back, pulling her with him as he turned. Georgie let him walk her backwards, until the backs of her legs hit the end of the bed. His arms fell away and he took a half step back.

Opening her eyes, she saw the hot need swirling in his. It seared her. “What are you doing?”

He put his palm flat against her chest and gave her a shove, so that she fell on her bottom on the bed. She liked it that he didn’t treat her gently. Didn’t treat her like she was made of glass. Heat bloomed inside her when he fell to his knees in front of her. “I know you’re unsure, so let me give you something to think about.” He kept his eyes on hers as he reached for the waist band of her pants and pulled them down slightly. “Let me?”

Georgie wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do, but she was driven by a scorching hot need. His eyes turned to dark, midnight blue when she placed her hands on the edge of the mattress and lifted her hips so he could pull her pants off. He ran his hands up her bare legs. She gave no thought to the scars that streaked her skin when he lifted both her legs and put them over his shoulders before sliding his hands back down to her hips, pulling her forward to the edge of the bed and holding her in place.

“Oh, god,” she whispered, laying her palms flat on the bed behind her and leaning back as Ryan pressed burning, teasing kisses up the inside of her legs. He took his sweet time. Georgie quivered with anticipation as he got closer and closer to where she wanted, desperately, for him to kiss her. She jumped when he finally pressed a kiss between her legs. Then he ran his tongue over her clitoris and Georgie whimpered, closing her eyes and letting her head fall back as she gave in to the dizzying pleasure Ryan was giving her. He flicked his tongue on her, over and over and over again until she was sobbing and breathless. She felt him move his arm around her, low on her hips, forcing her to keep still while he tongued her. He moved his other hand, pulling his mouth away momentarily to run the tip of his finger up and down on her clitoris. She moaned when he pushed a finger inside her, bending his head at the same time to flick his tongue over her. The combination sent her wild. Her hands gripped the bedspread as the first fluttering of climax began to move through her. His arm was like iron around her as he held her firmly in place. Her legs started shaking as Ryan moved his tongue and his finger faster, pushing Georgie higher, closer to the peak. She cried out as she went over, her body jerking convulsively as intense pleasure washed through her. Collapsing back on the bed, her eyes closed and her heart hammering, she felt Ryan move her legs off his shoulder. Shift to lie next to her on the bed and pull her into his arms. She turned into him, still shivering, pressing her face to his neck and wrapping her arm around him. He ran his hand lightly from her shoulder to her hip and down her back. Completely and utterly relaxed, Georgie rested against him as her body calmed. After some time, she sighed deeply. “Do you know what my problem is?”

“That you won’t take a good rogering when it’s offered?”

Georgie burst out laughing, pulling back to look at him. “No, it’s that you smell so good.”


“You are not.”

He chuckled. “No, you’re right. I’m not.” He kissed her. “I’m sure I’ve given you something to think about, at least.”

Georgie grew serious again. “You sure have.”

“Good.” He kissed her again, then sat up and reaching down, picked up her pants and handed them to her. “How about that cup of tea?”

“You serious?” Georgie asked as she put her pants back on.

“Sure, why wouldn’t I be?”

“No reason.” She pushed to her feet, pleased to note her legs weren’t too shaky, and went to make the man who’d just given her an explosive orgasm a cup of tea.


“Is it a bit weird, having a hen’s night where we can’t drink?” Mikayla leaned back in the dining chair at Juniper’s, her eyes closed as Leah stood over her, applying her makeup. Georgie, Mikayla, Leah, Juniper and Nora were seated around the dining table. It was spread out with nibbles and drinks.

“It’s weirder trying to apply eye shadow around this huge bump.”

“It is huge.” Mikayla ran her hand over Leah’s stomach, then her own. “You sure you’ll be right for bridesmaid’s duties?”

“Yes, even if you have to roll me up the aisle. I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Mik.”

“Okay. And what about you, Georgie? Got your hot date all sorted?”

“You know I have.” Georgie took a sip of champagne, watching with interest as Leah finished Mikayla’s eye shadow.

Leah leaned back to inspect her work. “Lovely.” She handed Mikayla a tube of mascara. “Do the mascara yourself.”

“Now you,” Leah said, approaching Georgie. “Man, I love your hair.”

“Aw, thanks mate.”

“It just falls so effortlessly. It’s beach casual and hot sophistication all at the same time.” She pulled Georgie’s hair off her face and slipped a headband around her head.

“I don’t know why. I never do anything with it.”

“Okay, now you’re just being mean.” Leah pulled some foundation out of her makeup kit and started applying it to Georgie’s face.

“Now, where were we?” Mikayla asked, reaching for a mini sausage roll. “Ah yes, Georgie’s hot date.”

Georgie had somehow managed to deflect any talk of the status of her relationship with Ryan for the last few weeks by saying that they were taking it slow and she’d tell them if anything changed. It was enough to make Mikayla stop pestering her about it. That restraint appeared to have come to an end. “What about my hot date?”