Page 48 of Birthday Portrait

“In an abandoned train carriage at our local station. I have no idea when he found it, but that was Brandon all over. Always after adventure.” She sobered again. “It wasn’t long after that our Mum died and everything went to shit. Well, shitter than it already was. You know, I look back on all that, and I can’t believe Brandon made it through.”

“You don’t think it’s miraculous that you made it through?”

Georgie shrugged. “I guess so. I don’t really think about it, to be honest.”

“You don’t think about how strong you are? That with everything you’ve been through, everything that’s happened to you, that you sit here with a smile on your face?”

The waitress returned with their drinks and the bruschetta. After she’d gone, Georgie shrugged again. “What else was I going to do?” She reached for a slice of bruschetta and took a bite.

“Collapse. Succumb. Give in.”

Georgie shook her head. “What would that achieve? This is really good bread. You should try it.”

Ryan smiled at her and took a slice of bread.

“And while we’re throwing compliments around, you’ve got the patience of a saint.”

“Have I?” Ryan bit into the bread, looking at Georgie with a raised brow.

“Yes. You do. You’re very patient with me, for example.” Georgie dusted crumbs from her fingers as she saw the waitress walking over with their meals. Her heart was hammering. She desperately wanted to say what she had to say. But she also wanted to run away screaming. Smiling her thanks at the waitress, she picked up her fork.

“So you were in the middle of giving me a compliment,” Ryan prompted after the waitress left.

“Ah, yes, I was. You’re very patient.” Georgie took a forkful of risotto to give herself time.

“Well now, that’s boring.”

“Not to me, it isn’t. I’ve said it to you before. I don’t know why you put up with me.” She looked down at her plate, pushing the rice around with her fork. Ryan reached over and took her hand in his.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?”

Georgie forced herself to look up. To look directly at Ryan when she said, “Why don’t you push me to go to bed with you?”

He frowned. “We have a deal. I’m not about to break that.”

It was too hard. Georgie broke his gaze. “But you still want to?”

“Look at me.”

She did.

“Yes, I still want to. Why wouldn’t I?”

“You’re not…you’re not put off?”

“Not at all. But we made a deal.”

“Right. Okay. So maybe I want to renegotiate.” She saw his eyes flare and felt her heart flutter. “Maybe. I’m not sure. This isn’t fair.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not fair to you.”

“I’m perfectly happy with how things stand, mo chroi. You don’t have to worry about what’s fair to me.”

“You’ll get sick of it one day.”

“Maybe. Who can tell? Maybe you’ll get sick of it.” He smiled at her when she shook her head. “Tell me what’s on your mind. You want to renegotiate?”