Page 41 of Birthday Portrait

She kept her head down, wouldn’t look at him. “I won’t do it again.”

“Oh, so you are after torturing me then.”

She shot him a look but still wouldn’t hold his gaze. “It’s not very fair of me.”

“What’s that? We struck a fair deal, to my mind.”

She shook her head in answer. He pulled her towards him and slipped an arm around her waist. “Kissing and the occasional grope, is what we agreed.” He tilted her face up to him with his finger under her chin. Giving her a light, soft kiss, he smiled reassuringly. “I assumed that meant I’d get to feel your hands on me, as well.”

She frowned at him, still holding herself back. “I feel confused.”


“Because I can’t figure out what this is. You’re such a good friend to me. But it’s more than that, isn’t it?”

“Aye, it is.”

She looked at him uncertainly. “I don’t know what it means. Whatever this is, between us. I don’t know what it means.”

“Don’t go mad trying to label it, Georgie. Or overthinking it. Do you trust me?”


“So will you just let it be whatever it is?”

“You know I can’t—”

“I’m not asking you to give me anything you don’t want to give. We’re just acknowledging that we have something more than friendship and we’re okay with that. That’s all.”

“Right. Okay. I can do that.” She slid her hands over his chest and around his neck, pulling herself against him. Ryan felt his heart do a slow roll in his chest as he lowered his lips to Georgie’s, saw the uncertainty fade and her eyes flutter closed. He suppressed the impulse to kiss her hungrily, demandingly. Instead, he kissed her with all the tenderness he felt in his heart for her.

* * *

Ryan looked up at the sound of a knock at the sliding door of his cabin to see Brandon standing there, hands in his pockets, looking uncharacteristically uncertain. He moved to the door to open it. “Hey. Everything okay?”

“Sure. I just need to ask you a favor.”

Ryan frowned. “Okay.”

“I need you to come for a drive.”

“Not going to kill me, are you?”

“What? No. What are you talking about?” He pulled a hand from his pocket and shoved it through his hair, glancing nervously up the track.

“You’re being very strange.”

“Where’s Georgie?”


Brandon’s shoulders sagged in relief. “Oh, that’s great.”

“Why is that great?”

“I’ve been looking into something. I don’t want her to know about it until I’ve nutted it out, because I don’t want her to be disappointed. And I need your help.”

Thoroughly intrigued now, Ryan said, “Right. Let’s go then.”