Page 31 of Birthday Portrait

“You don’t like swimming?”

“No, it’s fine. I don’t have any bathers, that’s all. I’ll get some.” A full body swimsuit. That’s what she’d get. One that covered every inch of skin. She finished the cycle program and took the crutches Ryan handed her. She was going home, she thought. Of course, it wasn’t really home. Yet. But returning to Blessed Inlet represented the next step on the road of her healing.

* * *

True to his word, Ryan arranged for William’s helicopter to pick them up the next afternoon. As soon as they landed, Georgie was whisked from the sports oval to her cabin, where Leah was already waiting for her. Ryan helped her out of the wheelchair, handed her the crutches, told her he’d be back later and left her with Leah. She balanced carefully on her crutches while Leah hugged her.

“Welcome home!” She eased back, surveying Georgie. “You look amazing.”

“Thanks. I feel amazing, all things considered.” She wasn’t lying. She’d taken all the pain medication Ryan had prescribed. Did everything he told her to do. But she was through the worst of it now, so things could only get better from here.

Juniper arrived, bringing dinner with her and placing it on the table. She grabbed cutlery while watching Georgie hobble across the room with the crutches. “Looking good,” she said.

“Thank you.” Georgie sat at the table. “And thank you for all of this.” She waved her arm at the cabin. It had already been comfortable before she went away, but Juniper had gone to even more effort to spruce it up. There was a scented candle burning on the nightstand, fresh flowers on the kitchen counter and a large, comfortable leather recliner. There was a rectangular table on wheels that could be moved where it was needed if Georgie was unable to sit up at the table to eat. The exercise bike that Brandon had bought was against the lounge wall, ready to be pulled out as needed.

Juniper smiled. “You’re welcome.”

Georgie lifted the lid on the foil tray. Lasagna. It smelled amazing. She’d barely taken the first bite when Leah handed her a gift-wrapped parcel. “A welcome home present.”

“Oh, you shouldn’t have!” She took it, ripped off the paper and gasped. It was a canvas painting of Lucarelli’s, an Italian restaurant they used to frequent. Years before. In another life. “Thank you. I love it.”

Before she could pick up her fork again, Mikayla came through the door carrying a large cardboard box, painted all over with flowers, and a gift bag. “Here you go,” she said, placing the box on the floor next to Georgie’s chair and the gift bag on the table. “No, don’t bend. I’ll open it.” She lifted the lid and Georgie burst out laughing.

“How many bags?”

“Five hundred.”

Juniper leaned over the table to check the contents of the box. “Five hundred packets of corn chips? You’re crazy!”

“Hey, you said I was in charge of corn chips. I take my role very seriously. Be grateful, Quinn. You nearly got a chicken feeder stuffed with corn chips for your nightstand. I thought it was a great idea. All you had to do was reach over, press a button and delicious, salty, corny goodness would fall into your hot little hand.”

Still laughing, Georgie said, “I’m disappointed. That sounds amazing. What stopped you?”

“Rafe. He was absolutely adamant. So this was my compromise.” She lifted the box. “I’ve cut a flap in the side here, see? For easy access.”

“Amazing. Thank you.”

“I painted it so it looks part of the décor.” She walked over and placed the box on the kitchen bench top.

“That does not look like part of the décor, Mik,” Juniper said, eyeing the box with a mock frown.

“So says you. You just don’t know good art when you see it.” Mikayla reached into the gift bag. “I checked with Dr O’Hotstuff,” she said as she pulled out a bottle of pink Moscato. “He said you were allowed a small glass. You in?”

Georgie nodded enthusiastically.

“Great. He also said only if it was on a full stomach, so eat your dinner.” Mikayla pulled another bottle out of the bag. “Non-alcoholic for us,” she said to Leah.

“Lovely, thanks.”

Georgie managed to eat just over half the meal before pushing the tray away. A few sips of wine and a lot of giggling had her in high spirits. Juniper and Leah unpacked her bags while Mikayla changed her dressing and put the ice pack in place before helping her into her pajamas. She was just starting to feel really tired when Ryan arrived to kick everyone out. They went without fuss, with Juniper advising Georgie that she’d be there in the morning to make breakfast.

Georgie pulled a face when Ryan handed her a glass of water and a pill. “Do I have to?”

He sighed. “No. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. But you’ve had a really big day and you need to rest. You won’t be able to do that if you’re in pain.”

Georgie wanted to argue but one look at his face stopped her. There was a plea in his eyes she couldn’t resist. She took the tablet and let him help her to bed. “You’re very patient with me.”

“Am I?”