Page 2 of Birthday Portrait

Georgie’s laugh faded. “God, I’m so happy for you. For you and Callum.”

“Thanks. Me too. And I’m beyond happy that you’re here.”

“Me too.”

“Great, now that we’ve got the mushy stuff over and done with, let’s get you to your new home.”

“Sounds good.” Georgie moved her legs cautiously, careful not to jar her hip too much as she swung them over the edge of the bed. Pushing to her feet, she leaned on the weak leg slightly, testing it. “Might need my stick,” she admitted.

“I’ll get it.” Leah went out, coming back seconds later with Rafe in tow. “I’ve got back up,” she said, handing Georgie her walking cane.

“Hey.” Rafe was tall, well over six feet, with close cropped black hair and dark eyes.

Georgie wanted to reject his offer of assistance as he came forward and slipped an arm around her waist but as she took a step, she realized that if she didn’t lean into him at least a little, he’d end up having to carry her. “Thanks.”

They moved carefully out to the living area, where a wide bay window offered a stunning view of the Tasman Sea. Mikayla was sitting on the arm of an overstuffed brocade couch, chatting to Callum. Juniper came forward, her hair, like her son’s, curling wildly. She had serene green eyes as she smiled at Georgie. “William’s just gone to move your car closer to Cezanne. We can’t get it close enough that you don’t have to walk to it, but he’ll do the best he can.”

“That’s okay. I’m sorry for the fuss. Cezanne?”

“Don’t be sorry. Cezanne is your cabin,” Juniper explained with a chuckle. “Sorry, I forget to explain it sometimes.”

Georgie smiled. “It’s a great idea for an artist’s colony.”

“That’s what I thought! Much more interesting than Cabin Twelve. You got her?” Juniper asked Rafe.


“I’ll open the door!” Billy bounced up from the floor and ran through to the entrance hall, pulling the front door open. Callum came forward, wordlessly slipping his hand under Georgie’s elbow. God, it was all so embarrassing, Georgie thought as they headed out of the house and across the carpark. She hated being fussed over. But there was nothing she could do about it, since she couldn’t walk across the large patch of gravel from the Keeper’s Cottage on her own. Let alone down the track that ran around the side of a long, low building, to the cabins that were nestled in the scrub behind the compound.

“Just down here,” Juniper said as she headed down the track around the Long House. Georgie assessed the ground. The gravel was well compacted and felt firm underfoot. She should be okay to walk up it to her car tomorrow, parked as it was at the corner of the Long House. That was a relief. They walked past one small log cabin with a narrow veranda that held a reclining chair, a Weber barbecue and a little round table with two chairs. “And here we are.” Juniper said, gesturing to the only other cabin on the track.

Georgie smiled. “It’s lovely, thank you.” The cabin sat at the end of the scrub, about twenty feet from the edge of the cliff. It was angled in such a way that if she were to sit on the deck, whoever was staying in the cabin next to her wouldn’t know she was there. Perfect.

William opened the sliding door from inside. “Hi! I’ve just put your suitcases on the bed and some fresh milk in the fridge.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to do that.”

“It’s no problem.”

Georgie looked around. Her cabin had the same set up as the one they’d walked past. A small round table, barbecue and reclining chair in a durable fabric. She felt a wave of fatigue wash over her and suddenly felt quite desperate to curl up on that recliner and close her eyes. She just needed everyone to go.

“I think we’ll get going,” Mikayla said, as if she was reading Georgie’s mind. “What do you want to do, Georgie? Rest inside or out here?” She gestured to the recliner.

“Out here, thank you.” Rafe and Callum helped her up the step to the veranda while Leah went inside and got a throw rug from the end of the bed. Georgie felt a bit self-conscious as she lay down on the recliner and Leah threw the rug over her. Then they were all gone and she was alone. A seagull screeched high above her before flying out over the waves. A soft breeze ruffled her hair. Georgie pulled the soft blanket around her and closed her eyes, lulled into a restless sleep by the sound of the waves rolling into the base of the cliff, far below her. As she drifted off, a memory bubbled to the surface. Vivid blue eyes. A lilting voice. “I’ve got you, mo chroi.”


When Georgie woke again, she lay there for a long while, breathing in the fresh salty air, listening to the waves crash against the rocks. Pondering the strange turn of events of the last few months made her smile. Because for the first time in a long time, she wasn’t going to be completely alone. She’d lost her friendship with Leah nearly a decade earlier, after Leah’s awful ex-husband had come between them. A fact both women blamed themselves for. But that was in the past. Divorced and newly settled in Blessed Inlet, Leah had made beautiful friends here. Friends that had become family to her. Georgie had met them all a few months before when Leah’s new husband, Callum Sinclair, had taken everyone out for dinner after their registry office wedding. There was Callum, obviously. The uber successful lead singer of Odyssey, who could not take his eyes off his sweet and gentle new wife. William and Juniper with their little boy, Billy. Best friends, newly engaged and expecting a baby, Mikayla and Rafe. Georgie had laughed when Mikayla demanded she get her ass to Blessed Inlet quick smart, so she could take her to the pub. Callum and Mikayla’s parents, Nora and John, had greeted Georgie like family the moment they met her.

Georgie smiled to herself as she threw the blanket back. She was definitely in the right place and what a lovely feeling that was. Grabbing her walking stick, she stood up and moved inside the little cabin. For such a small space, it was cleverly furnished with everything she would need for an indefinite stay. After she’d unpacked her suitcase, she looked around, not really sure what to do with herself. Not in the mood for television and not even thinking about dinner, she decided curling up on the recliner with her kindle might be nice. Grabbing her handbag, she riffled through it, sighing with frustration when she couldn’t find it. There was a good chance it had fallen out of her bag in the car. She contemplated leaving it until tomorrow, but there was really nothing else she felt like doing, so navigating a walk up the gravel track to the carpark seemed like the only option.

Reaching the top of the track, she had a chance to actually take in where she was staying. There were five buildings in the main part of the compound. The converted barn, which was used for exhibiting the work of the artists in residence. The Long House was where Leah worked, painting the ceramics that Juniper made. The Lighthouse itself, glowing with a pink hue in the rays of the setting sun. A little one-bedroom cottage not more than five steps from it. And William and Juniper’s home, the Keeper’s Cottage. What an amazing place to live, Georgie thought as she pulled her car door open. Balancing carefully on one leg and switching on the interior light, she frowned as she looked around the car. Her kindle must have fallen under the seat. She bit back a groan. One of the things she hated most about her disability was not being able to achieve these basic tasks without having to consider every possible maneuver required to get the job done without hurting herself.

“Can I give you a hand?”

Georgie startled. She hadn’t heard anyone come up behind her. She straightened and turned. “Oh, hello,” she said a little breathlessly as her heart skipped several beats.I’ve got you, mo chroi.“You must be Ryan.” She put her hand out, felt the tingle up her arm when he took it in his. He was, quite simply, gorgeous. A few inches over six feet, broad shoulders, blonde hair and those vibrant, soulful blue eyes. Doctor O’Hotstuff indeed.

“I am. Ryan O’Shannessy. Georgie…?”