Page 28 of Birthday Portrait

“What the fuck?”

“It’s not a sprint,” he said, his eyes laughing at her. “What happened to the hare?”

“He lost.”


She wasn’t sure she’d have the patience for this. “It’s just that the surgery was my biggest fear. Now it’s over, I want to get going.”

“I get it. But if you don’t do exactly as I say and you overdo it, you’ll end up worse off.”

Georgie sighed. “Okay.”

“Trust me, mo chroi.”

She looked at him then. “I do.”

“Good. Now back to bed. I’ll send the nurse in with the ice kit.”

“Will you come back later?” She asked as he helped her into bed.

He smiled. “Aye, if you like.”

“Apparently it’s quiche Lorraine and salad for dinner.”

“As if you care about dinner.”

“No, but you do.”

“I do indeed. I’ll be back to have it with you, then.”



Over the next few days, Ryan was very pleased with Georgie’s recovery from the initial surgery. She followed all of his instructions to the letter. He had her walking, stretching, riding the stationary bike, icing. Over and over. She never complained. In fact, his biggest challenge was holding her back. Slowing her down. All in all, her response to the reduction in her pain was eye opening She smiled a lot. Made jokes. Rested. He got a sense of what she may have been like before the accident. It showed him how much she had suffered since. The cloud she’d been living under. The strength it took not to collapse under that cloud. It made him love her all the more.

As he was taking her through a round of stretching exercises on the floor in her room, he expressed surprise at how flexible she was. “I did gymnastics when I was a kid. There was this one foster home we stayed in for two years with a YMCA just down the road. I thought the instructor was cute, so I signed up for classes.” She rolled her eyes. “I was about twelve, I think. He was much older. Had his driver’s license. Treated me like the child I was. I thought if I could land a routine that he was teaching to the older kids, he’d notice me. So I worked and worked and worked at it. Nailed it. He said, ‘great job’ and walked out with Marcie Higgins. I didn’t know she was his girlfriend. So no romance for me, but my gymnastics game was strong.”

Ryan chuckled. He could just imagine Georgie as a young girl, determined and persistent. “You know, if you keep this up, you’ll be doing cartwheels at Mikayla’s wedding.”


“Aye, maybe so. Or not long after, at least.”

“When can I go home, do you think? To Blessed Inlet, I mean.”

“A few more days. You’ll still have to use the crutches there and the ground isn’t as even as here in the clinic. Added to that, we don’t have as much access to pain medication there as I do here.”

“Oh, I don’t care about that.”

“I think you’ve been through enough pain, mo chroi.”

“This is different, though.”

“Is it?”

“Yes, because I know it has an end date. Once I’m done with this, everything will be different.”