Page 10 of Birthday Portrait

“It’s a little town on the coast. You wouldn’t have heard of it.”

“Try me,” she said as she sat down on the arm of the lounge chair Rafe was sitting in.


Mikayla’s eyes widened. “Near Waterford?”

“That’s the one.”

“No way!” She turned to Rafe. “Wasn’t it in Tramore that we stopped and had awesome fish and chips on the beach? Then I whopped your ass at minigolf?”

“Yeah, I think it was Tramore. But I don’t recall you whopping my ass. The way I remember it, I was about to win and you kicked my ball away, walked over and dropped yours in the hole.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not what happened,” she said, her eyes alight with laughter.

“Before you two start shedding blood, I’m going to serve dinner.” Juniper said, the amusement in her voice obvious. “Give me a hand, honey?”

“Sure.” William got up, following Juniper out of the room.

Juniper and William came back a few minutes later, laden down with trays of food. Ryan helped Georgie to her feet, but she shook him off as she walked to the table. He caught Mikayla watching Georgie through narrowed eyes as she moved across the room. Then she looked directly at him. He gave her the slightest nod. He had an ally.

Once they were all seated around the table, Mikayla raised her glass. “Firstly, here’s to my best mate and hot fiancé.” She held her glass out to Rafe who grinned at her as he clinked his own against it. “Secondly, to Georgie. We’re so glad you’re here.”

“Thanks, Mik.” Georgie smiled as everyone raised their glasses to her.

“And finally, to the best brother in the whole world, who at sixteen years old formed a band that went on to have worldwide success, making him bucketloads of money. All so that he could insist on paying for my wedding more than a decade later.” She grinned when everyone laughed.

“And on that, Mik. You got any more plans?” Juniper asked, passing around a plate of roast lamb and vegetables.


“What the fu—fudge?” William caught himself from swearing in front of Billy.

“Yeah, Callum’s organizing a pod of dolphins to dance offshore while we say our vows.”

“Get fudged, Mik.”

Her eyes glinting at her brother in merriment, Mikayla turned back to Juniper. “So as I said, we’re thinking food trucks – Pizza and Gelati. A wine and beer truck, too.”

“I love that idea,” Juniper said as she handed over the jug of gravy.

“Thanks. Dad’s going to build a mobile stage for dancing. Callum’ll sing for a bit, won’t you?”

“Sure, if you like.”

“Then we’ll have some speakers and a sound system, yeah?” At Callum’s nod, she continued. “We’ll have a marquee in case it’s looking like raining. Some of those Survivor sticks could look really cool.”

“Survivor sticks?” Leah asked.

“She means those bamboo torches, like they have on Survivor,” Rafe explained.

“Oh, yeah, they would look great.” Leah said. “Fairy lights over the dance floor?”

“Yes! I like that idea!” Mikayla took a sip of wine. “You’ll have to get yourself a dress, Georgie.”

Ryan felt Georgie’s start of surprise. “Huh?”

“Or a jumpsuit, I guess. Those things can look really fancy these days.”