Page 8 of Birthday Portrait

Leah nodded. “We can do that, for sure.”


“I think this calls for a celebration. Hang on.” Juniper turned away, calling, “Honey! Dinner at ours, tonight?” William looked up and nodded, going straight back to his work. “That’s settled. Get on to your Mum and Dad, Mik?”

“Sure thing.” Mikayla reached for her phone. “We’ll call it a Welcome to Blessed Inlet thing for Georgie, too.”

“Great idea.”

“That way we can invite Doctor O’Hotstuff.”

“Him coming to dinner doesn’t have anything to do with me!”

“Course it does! You’ve been hanging out heaps.”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Well, you were walking together the other day.”

“And had dinner together last night,” Juniper put in.

“Ooooh, did they really?” Mikayla rubbed her hands together.

“And you were sitting together not ten minutes ago,” Leah added.

“Jesus, what is this, high school?” Georgie asked with a laugh. “Maybe I should ask him to go steady.”

“Yes, do that. Today, thank you very much, so I can listen to his Irish accent all night.”

“He does have a very nice accent,” Leah concurred.

“And he is very hot,” Juniper added.

Then they all three turned to look at Georgie. She rolled her eyes. “I’m not in the market. For hot Irish doctors or anyone else.”

“That’s bad news,” Mikayla said.

“Why is that?” Georgie asked.

“Because I’ve gotta ship someone and you two are the only singles going around right now.”

“How do you even know he’s single?” Juniper asked.

“I asked him.”

“What, just like that? Hey, you hitched? You were with him all of five minutes.” Leah asked, laughing.

Mikayla chuckled. “Of course not. I worked it into the conversation, all delicate like.”

“That’s doubtful,” Juniper said. “You don’t have a delicate bone in your body.”

“True, true. But anyway, he’s single and hot, so…” Mikayla turned back to Georgie.

“Well, I’m sorry I can’t help you.”

Mikayla just looked at her. “We’ll see.” She turned back to Juniper. “Would it be weird if you invited him, honestly?”

“No, not at all. He and William have been having some great chats. They’ve got some business interests in common, or something.”