Page 59 of Birthday Portrait

“As if you care about that!” Georgie said with a laugh. She wasn’t really sure what was going on here, but she was intrigued.

Ryan grinned at her. “Well, there’s no need to be like that, but truth be told, you’re right. I don’t really care about that. I just had a fancy to see Georgie May in a tropical setting.”

Georgie laughed again. “Did you now? Then why are you being weird about it?”

Transferring the bacon, fried eggs and muffins to a plate, Ryan brought the food to the table and sat down. “Because it would mean a lot to me if you would come, but I understand if it feels too strange or uncomfortable for you.”

Georgie took her time assembling her muffin before she said, “Should I feel strange or uncomfortable?”

“No. There’s nothing left between Sharon and me. We’re just good friends.”

“I like it that you’ve stayed friends.”

“Me too.”

“So if I go with you, I’m not going to get any drama or shenanigans, am I?”

“Not from Sharon or her husband. I can’t speak for the crocodiles.”

Georgie made a snap decision. “Okay. I’d love to come.” The smile Ryan gave her had her heart lurching in her chest.

Once they’d finished breakfast, Ryan took the dishes inside and when he came back out, lay back on the recliner. Holding his arm out, he said, “Come and lie in the sunshine with me.”

Georgie pushed to her feet, tightening the tie on her robe. “I really should get dressed.”

“I disagree,” Ryan replied, a wicked glint in his eyes. “Come here.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her down so that she was half lying on top of him. She giggled, putting her hand flat on his chest for balance. He put his forefinger under her chin, tilting her head up so he could kiss her.

Georgie sighed as her body warmed. “I love the way you kiss me,” she said against his lips, undoing the top few buttons of his shirt so she could slide her hand in and run it over his chest. He deepened the kiss, cupping the back of her head, pulling her tighter against him with his arm around her waist.

Georgie was vaguely aware of the crunching of footsteps on the gravel track but was too engrossed in kissing Ryan to pay attention. She pulled back, though, when she heard someone clearing their throat.

Ryan and Georgie both turned to see Mikayla, her hands in the pockets of her hoodie, eyeing them both with a cheeky grin on her face. “Been testing out the hip, have we?”

“Something like that,” Ryan answered, the amusement in his voice obvious.

“Fabulous. And?”

“Holds up well. Excellent range of motion.”

Georgie buried her face in Ryan’s chest, choking on a laugh. “Jesus Christ, you two.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.” Mikayla paused, but Georgie didn’t lift her head. “Annnyway, Juniper’s putting together a bit of a brunch, if you guys wanna come along.”

“We’ve already eaten, but we’ll come for coffee, won’t we, Georgie?”

“Sure, that’d be lovely. As long as Mik doesn’t make any suggestive comments.”

Completely unrepentant, Mikayla said, “I’ll do my best, but I can’t make any guarantees. See you in ten.”

“Okay.” Georgie pushed up from Ryan as Mikayla went off up the track. “Excellent range of motion. Are you serious?” Her blush was only just subsiding.

“Absolutely.” Ryan got to his feet, grinning at her. “But we can try it out again if you aren’t sure.”

“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” Her eyes laughing at him, she evaded his attempt to pull her into his arms, twisting away from him and sliding her feet into her shoes. “I’m going to go and get dressed. I’ll kiss you before I go if you promise not to grope me. I don’t want to be caught out again.”

“Ah, mo chroi, don’t push me to make a promise I have no chance of keeping.” He reached out, hooked his finger into the tie of her robe and pulled her forward. Georgie’s heart stuttered at the look in his eyes. There was no hint of humor there now. His eyes were serious, glowing with an emotion she couldn’t name. He bent his head to kiss her, brushing his lips lightly across hers, exquisitely tender. He brought his hands up to cup her face. Georgie slid her arms around his waist, melting against him as he deepened the kiss. The moment spun out for what felt like an eternity to Georgie. She didn’t want it to end. Finally, Ryan raised his head, kissed her forehead and pulled back. “Go and get dressed.”
