Page 26 of Birthday Portrait


“Can you put the bed down a bit more?”

“Sure.” He came and adjusted the bed. “Like that?”

“Yeah, thanks.” Her eye lids drooped. She felt him press a kiss to her forehead and forced her eyes to open. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He moved back to the chair and the last thing Georgie saw before she drifted away was Brandon putting the chair back and crossing his legs at the ankles. Then he just sat there, watching her. Georgie sighed deeply and let go.

* * *

Georgie woke with the sudden realization that today was the day. After this, everything would be different. “Good, you’re awake. Just in time to be knocked out again.” Brandon stepped into her line of vision. “My instructions are to get you to the loo, then back in bed.”

“I can take myself to the bathroom, thank you very much,” Georgie responded. Brandon grinned at the tart note in her voice, throwing back the blanket and helping her to her feet. “Have I got time for a shower?”

“Yeah, I reckon.”

She hobbled to the bathroom, took a quick shower then, as she was drying off, looked at herself in the mirror. She already looked different, she thought. A full night of rest, the first proper sleep she’d had in years. The fact that there was still enough medication circulating in her system to reduce the level of pain she was accustomed to dealing with. She put the hospital gown back on and went out. Climbing into bed, she used the remote to put the back up so she could lean against it and stretch her legs out. “Can you pass me my cosmetics bag, please?”

“Gonna do your makeup before going under, are you?” Brandon threw the little bag on the bed.

“Smart ass. The least I can do is brush my hair.” Ryan walked in just as she was putting the brush away. Georgie smothered her surprise. He was wearing a pristine white doctor’s coat. He had a stethoscope around his neck and a clipboard in his hand. He looked so professional. And capable. And a little formidable.

“Hey, you look just like a doctor.”

Ryan’s face split into a grin at Brandon’s comment and his aura of intimidation left him. He stood at the door, holding it open. “You can get out now.”

“I was just going for a coffee,” Brandon replied, slapping Ryan on the shoulder as he went through the door.

“Alright, Georgie May, how are you on this fine morning?”

“I’m really great.”

He stepped up to the bed and looked at her closely. Then he took her hand in his, placing his fingertips to the pulse point at her wrist and looking at his watch. “Very good. Mind if I sit with you?”

“No, I’d like that.”

He pulled up a chair and sat down. “I just wanted to say something before you go in.”


“I think you’re amazing.”

Her eyes flew to his face. He was watching her steadily. “Oh, ah, I don’t know, I’m not that—”

“I mean it, Georgie. I’m proud of you.”

She stopped. What did she think she was arguing against anyway? “Thank you.”

“And I’m so pleased that you’re doing this.”

“Yeah, me too.”

Brandon returned with a coffee cup in hand and two orderlies behind him. Ryan squeezed Georgie’s hand, saying “I’ll see you after.”


Brandon walked next to her as the orderlies pushed her bed down the corridor. “Deep breaths, George.” She did as she was told, drawing in breath after breath as she felt her anxiety building. The orderlies stopped at the entrance to the surgical wing to allow Georgie to say goodbye. “You’re all good. I’ll wait right here. I love you.”